Chapter 1

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The Billionaires Baby - {A Haylor Fanfiction}

~Chapter 1~

Taylor smiled as she walked downstairs to find her boyfriend of four years Harry in the kitchen making them both a breakfast of pancakes, syrup and fresh mango and to drink some freshly squeezed orange juice.

"Hey babe did you sleep well?" Harry turned away from cooking and smiled at Taylor as she stood in the kitchen doorway.

"Ah yes I guess so your stupid alarm went off again at three o'clock this morning and woke me up then after that I struggled to get back to sleep." Taylor sighed as she walked over to Harry and wrapped her arms around him.

"I love you beautiful." Harry smiled then kissed Taylor passionately before turning back to cooking their breakfast.

After having their breakfast Harry and Taylor were sitting on the couch talking.

"Urgh, Harry I don't feel very good" Taylor said standing up walking towards the bathroom, Harry following.

Harry bent down beside Taylor and rubbed her back soothingly as she vomited into the toilet, he hated seeing her like this.

"Can you stop that now otherwise I'm going to hurl next." Harry smirked then laughed.

"Shut up you idiot." Taylor sighed then shivered as she cuddled into Harry.

"You will be okay." Harry smiled then kissed her head before helping her up off of the bathroom floor and back into their bedroom. He then laid down beside her on the bed and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"What's wrong with me?" Taylor sighed.

"I'm not sure.." Harry replied worridly.

-The next day-

Harry had just came back from the gym and Taylor was waiting by the fridge for him.

"Baby, I think that you left something in the fridge behind the milk I think it was your water bottle or something? I'm not sure though go and look." Taylor said excitedly.

Harry then rummaged around in the fridge "My bottle is not in here wait what's this?" Harry looked at Taylor confused.

"Open it and find out." Taylor said, smiling.

Harry unscrewed the cap "Are you serious?! Oh my god! YES! I love you so much." he yelled and kissed her passionately.

[A/N] So I want to thank Lily, a friend who is helping me write this book becuase without her this book wouldn't be as good as it is now.

P.S: I'll leave a Haylor Picture in the side bar.

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