1: Jasper

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The rain was something all of us wished for, no matter how many shooting stars we wished on, or how many prayers we said it was still just a fantasy. Being stuck in a shabby little shack on the mountains in the middle of the desert also didn't help.

I don't recognize any of the others, who were currently sleeping around me. none of us spoke to each other, Although it may have helped us forget about the depth of our situation.

Im the newest 'addition' to this hell.  A guard hammers on the door signaling that we're to get up and ready to work.

Everydays the same, we all go into the mountains and dig tunnels. I dont know why. all I know is there are groups of women and children smuggled into the tunnels everyday.  which also leaves me confused as to weather what were doing is wrong or not. 

Silently everyone stands and forms a line along the far wall. every morning we are inspected, to check for homemade weapons,  or sickness. the inspector comes in, her whole body is covered the only thing we are able to see is her eyes.

  We never get to see our inspectors faces, Since ive been here I havent seen any male guards which leads me to believe that were in some sort of rouge womens protections group. she nods at each of us as a guard pats each of us down. signaling that we are to leave the shack and go to the tunnels.

when she reached me in the line, I looked in her eyes. she immediately looked away. but I could see how tired she was. she nodded and I proceeded outside towards the tunnels. the bright sun beat down on my face. violent and unforgiving.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2014 ⏰

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