Victim p1

56 3 0

3rd person

Everyone is at the hotel, and you volunteered to go get food for everyone (mostly just so you could procrastinate telling your story) and now here you are, outside the door to the hotel. Staring at the man who made your life worse, somehow, though you don't know how. You're afraid to move, afraid to not. Finally, you take a step back and he hears. He turns around.

It's really him.
Dr. Devol, the psychiatrist.

Your POV
Wow. I had hoped to never see him again. Really, desperately, I had. But nooo! Just HAD to have drama, just HAD to go to Boston, just HAD to see my past like a window, I really should have kept the curtains shut but I didn't and now look what I've done. I really am dumb. I really am worthless!
"Y/N." he looks at you dumbfounded. He cautiously steps forward. "It's... good to see you again." He lies. It's obvious he lies. "How about we have a chat. What happened? Where have you been?" He smiles evilly and grabs my arm before I can react. I nearly screech but I stay calm somehow, looking him in the eyes like a normal person.
"Hello, devil- I mean doctor." I intentionally mispronounce. "Would you mind letting go?"
"I'm afraid I can't do that. You'll have to come back to therapy, and anyone you harmed or fooled will be consulted immediately." He pulls on my arm.

I don't budge.

"Listen, doctor, I made many friends. Friends. Maybe you aren't familiar with the concept of friendliness." I grin at my own words. "I'll educate you." I sass. "These people are kind to me. They don't treat me like a freak." I begin to escalate. "They understand me. They enjoy my presence, devil."
I snarl. "Calm down." He says but I don't listen.
"They are nice. They treat me as an equal. They care about me and I care about them too. You probably don't understand the meaning of caring. You've never cared about anyone. They show me heart. I'd never met anyone with heart before them! AND I EVEN FELL IN LOVE. DO YOU KNOW WHAT LOVE MEANS, DEVIL? NO?" He clamps his hand over my mouth.
I bite him. He slaps me and drags me behind him, saying, "We have work to do, Y/N. Lots of it."

And then I black out.

Mark POV
Where could she possibly have gone that would take this long? She's been gone for a while now. I hear someone yelling from outside and I look out the window to see Y/N, yelling at some doctor figure. He has his hand on her.
He slaps her.
I flip out.
He starts dragging her off somewhere.
But I love her.

"Mark! Where are you going?" Jack yells from behind me but I don't bother responding. I'm running too fast.

Here we go.

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