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❣️Naomi's pov ❣️

I woke up at 10:00 with Jason's strong arms still wrapped around me. I was so comfortable but I knew I had to get up. I slowly took off Jason's hands and got out of bed. I got my back pack and tip-toed into the bathroom, I put on a patterned dress with a pair of heels. I wondered what Jason will think of this. I giggled to myself. I took out my straightener and straightened my hair. Then I did my mascara, eyeliner, and eyebrows. I didn't really feel like doing much else. I thought I looked fine. I took out my toothbrush and brushed my teeth. Then I went back into the room, Jason was still asleep.

I nudged him and he groaned

"Wake up sleepyhead." I giggled

"I don't want to." He sighed

"Well you have to."

He opened his eyes slightly and blushed at the sight of me.

"What?" I questioned "do I look bad." I looked down at my outfit and frowned.

"No you look cute." He chuckled and got off the bed "I'm going to go get changed, we should have lunch here then go do something, is that cool?"

"Yeah that's alright." I said happily

I got up and walked into his kitchen.

I was sitting at the table when his roommate walked out and stared at me.

"Uh- hello..." he said awkwardly going to the fridge and pulling out milk.

"Hello." I said in response

"May I ask why your in my room?" He smiled as he grabbed a bowl and cereal

" my roommate had some girl over last night and-"

He cut me off " I get what you mean, no need to go into detail."

"Okay." I laughed, so did he.

"So what's your name?" He said with his mouth full of lucky charms.

"Naomi, and yours?"

"Eric." He responded

Just as he said that Jason walked out. "Hey Eric, hey Naomi."

Eric picked up his bowl and started to walk to what I assume was his bedroom. " hey Jase, I'm going to leave you guys alone." And with that he was gone.

"Well what do you wanna eat?" He said looking at me."

"Grilled cheese?"

"I make a mean grilled cheese you know." He grinned

"I bet." I said laughing.

After we were done eating we got in his car and decided to go to the mall to just walk around and hang out. Then I got a text.

Unknown number-
Hey Naomi

Um who is this?

Lmao it's me, Corey

Oh okay, how did you get my number?🤔

You left it on the counter dumbass 🙄

Oh I forgot about that, sooorry 🙄🙄

Well when r u going to be home?😌

Why do you care?

Because I do🙄

Idk probably like five

Okay see you then

❣️ Corey's pov ❣️

"Did you text her?" My friend Leo asks me

"Yeah." I said chuckling, this will be fun.

❣️Naomi's pov ❣️

I was a little confused as to why Corey would ask when I was going to be home, like why would he care?

"Were here." Jason says smiling.

"Lets go." I scream and get out of the car.

"You're childish you know that?" He chuckles

" I know." I turn around and grin widely at him.

"Well lets go in shall we?"

▪️after the mall. ▪️

I was seriously dreading going home. Corey had something planned I knew it. But the day with Jason was fun he bought me a sweatshirt and I met some girls named Layla, Skye , and Kendall and they asked if I wanted to hang out sometime.

My thoughts were cut short when we arrived at my room. I sighed. "Today was fun, thank you." I kissed him on the cheek and went inside. It was quiet. Then I saw him.

"Hey there." He said smirking

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