Chapter Four: Maybe I Should Just Stop Talking

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Once Milly had washed the blood off my back and cleaned my scrapes, she, Jacob, and Damon decided to argue some more. Very loudly, I might add. In the middle of the living room.

"Jacob! Damon! Don't argue with me!" she ordered. "She needs girl clothes, you morons!" I sat on the couch and observed the argument that was unfolding, making mental notes on their arguing styles. You know, just in case. Milly gestured with her hands alot, and Jacob used his command of vocabulary. I think his logic here was that if he used big words we didn't understand, it would confuse us and therefore let him win. Damon just used those icy blue eyes of his to stare people down. I was thankful his gaze wasn't fixated on me. Back in the shouting, Jacob rolled his eyes.

"Milly, we've been through this. She can't go out unsupervised. You saw what happened today with the car. She's desperate. She'll do anything to escape," he pointed out. I leaned forward in my seat, raising my hand in the air slightly.

"If I may interject here, I have a few things I would like to throw out there. A, I do want to escape, and with good reason. B, stop talking about me like I'm not here. I'm obviously stuck in this stupid house, which should be on Extreme Makeover, by the way, so I can listen to all of your conversations. And, finally, I would really like some clothes of the female type," I finished. Damon raised an eyebrow as I concluded my speech, and I sat back, satisfied. Damon shrugged.

"Okay, fine. I'll let her go shopping," he gave in. I did a silent fist pump, and cheered inside my head. "But," he continued, "Only if Milly, Jacob, and I come along." WHAT?! I slumped my shoulders, defeated.

"Whatever. I'd rather be naked than go shopping with you," I told him frostily. Jacob grinned, and he and Damon exchanged glances.

"That can be arranged," Damon offered innocently. I crossed my arms.

"Okay, I changed my mind. Let's go shopping. To the mall," I declared, and rose smoothly, gliding to the door. Behind me, I heard a laugh. I whipped around, glaring.

"What?" I demanded sharply. Milly held in a snicker. Jacob was the one who spoke.

"Aren't you worried people will recognize you?" he asked me, as if I was an idiot. Which, admittedly, I kind of was.

"So we can't go then?" I mumbled, feeling crushed.

"No, we can. I took care of the mom, the cashier, and, um, the boy. Jason, I think his name was," he told me coyly. I gasped in horror.

"You killed them? How could you do that? I came with you so Jason wouldn't die!" I screeched. Milly raised her hands in an effort to calm me down.

"No, he didn't kill them. He's just antagonizing you. They're all safe. He just...made them forget what happened," she explained in a hesitant tone. I cocked my head to the side.

"Made them forget? What do you mean?" I asked in confusion. Damon and Jacob glared at Milly, who hastily shrugged.

"We'll tell you about it later. But first, we have to go spend lots of money. Don't worry about the cost. We're kind of rich," she told me playfully. It was so easy to like Milly, so I grinned. 

"Now, wait here while we change. Actually, we'll go one at a time so you don't run off," she explained apologetically. I shrug and plop back down on the couch while Jacob heads upstairs to change. I guess they all got a little dirty chasing me down earlier. Hehe.

After Jacob changed into a bright red t-shirt and khaki shorts, Damon smirked at me as he paused on the first step of the stairs.

"Want to come along?" he asked mischievously. I rolled my eyes as that sunk in.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2014 ⏰

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