Chapter Two: You'll Never Catch Me Alive!

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I stared gloomily out the window as sheets of rain began to streak down the sides of the car in a very cliche manner. An awkward silence filled the enclosed space, and I cleared my throat. What do you say to your kidnapper when you're riding in the car in the car with him? Suddenly, like a message from an angel or something, it came to me.

"You're a jackass," I told him. He glanced over at me, surprised, and I raised my eyebrows defiantly. He narrowed his eyes slightly, and I realized it might not be smart to call your kidnapper a jackass. Especially on a deserted road where no one would hear your screams.

"And why is that?" he inquired icily. Gulp. It was crystal clear a second ago. But now my thoughts were a little bit scattered. But I had a good excuse.

"Well, um, you kind of just kidnapped me," I pointed out weakly. He shrugged, and I was momentarily fascinated with his totally unfair sexiness. The street lights reflecting off his face made his skin seem to glow, and his green eyes were bright and relaxed. It was silent before he answered.

"Yes, I did in fact kidnap you. And since I'm slightly bored with listening to the sound of you breathing, you may ask a few questions," he added, a smirk twitching on the edges of his lips. I deliberated for a moment, and decided that if he was going to be open, I wasn't going to waste the opportunity. 

"Okay, so, why are you kidnapping me?" I fired off. Even in the darkness, I could see him hesitate. 

"You'll see," he answered finally. I let out an indignant squeak. The audacity of that delicious piece of man!

"That's not fair!" I protested. He gave me a look that I frequently used on other people. I called it the 'Are you a freaking moron?' look. 

"I didn't say it was fair," he pointed out. I scoffed and folded my arms across my chest, trying to come up with a question he could maybe answer.

"Okay, then how did you know my name? Last time I checked, I wasn't wearing a name-tag." Hottie smiled coyly in the darkness.

"Simple. We watched you before we kidnapped you," he said nonchalantly. My eyes widened. What the shemur did that Greek God of a boy just say?

"You watched me?" I shrieked. He flinched at the shrillness in my voice, and gave me an irritated glare. I mouthed 'sorry' and gestured for him to continue, not wanting to annoy him to the point that he stopped talking. But he watched me? I should have known the second Hottie walked into the store that he was bad news. If a guy is as hot as he is, it probably means he is a psychopath.

"We," he corrected simply, hands loose on the steering wheel. I glared at him.

"Who else?" I demanded, fed up with the cryptic crap, momentarily forgetting to not annoy him.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out," he replied firmly. I threw my hands in the air, exasperated.

"You said to ask questions, but you don't answer them, Hottie!" I cried. I immediately realized my mistake, and slapped my hands down over my mouth. But it was too late. Hottie raised one perfect eyebrow.

"What did you call me?" Hottie asked, sounding amused. I blushed furiously and said a bunch of four letter words under my breath.

"I didn't know your real name, so that's what I decided to call you," I explained defensively. I crossed my arms over my chest and sulked like a child. Hottie found it hilarious.

"Wow. Hottie, huh? You think so?" he teased. I narrowed my eyes and glared at him.

"Okay, fine, I'll just call you The Kidnapper then," I snapped. He immediately sobered up, and his expression strangely became pained. Shouldn't I be the one in pain? I mean...duh! 

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