A Smile in the Rain

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You hug your coat around you tighter. The zip hadn't wanted to cooperate on this particular day, so you had to just make your peace with the fact it covered you at all. Now here you were, waddling swiftly down the uneven path, its concrete slabs angled up to add that spice to your journey that really said "I want you to fall and obtain several injuries.".

The rain felt to be about half a degree away from being hail, and the sharp winds made sure that you wouldn't miss out on this almost-hail greeting your face like thousands of tiny little needles.

You were so far from home. Well. You were about five minutes away. Though, under the circumstances, you may just as well have been across the country.

Just as you reach the end of the path to cross the road, you slow to allow a car to turn the corner without the misfortune of having a teenager smeared across their windshield. It was then that the car decided to take the corner above the recommended slow and careful pace that is generally agreed upon for that fun little thing called 'safety'. And so there you stood, soaked in the rainwater that had fearfully leapt away from the car's tires after being disturbed from its resting spot at the dip in the road by the curb. You felt the chill seep through your canvas shoes and your jeans, just in case you hadn't appreciated the warmth that you'd managed to lock in there before.

You take a deep breath in.

And you laugh.

Not a bitter laugh. Not a shaky laugh from the chill. But a genuine laugh. The situation was so hilariously absurd that you couldn't be mad or sad, it had just become one big tragic joke.

Sure, you could have gotten angry and yelled. You could have seen it as a tipping point and cried. But where would the fun in the rest of the journey have been?

And so you waddle the rest of your way home, allowing yourself a little smile in the rain.

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