Chapter #5: The Closing Act

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Omniscient's POV

"I-I did... But I can... hardly move my hand when you're doing that..." Sasuke mumbled.

"Ahh, I could help you. I could do both, you see." He said, removing Sasuke's hand, grasping onto his member himself as he pumped it once teasingly. Sasuke let go of a soft sound and covered his mouth quickly. Sasuke was surprised that Naruto wasn't using his claws against it, like before, and then he started thrusting hard into his hole.

"Ngh... N-Naru-to... I can't..." Sasuke gasped, still covering his mouth.

"Can't what?! You aren't doing anything." Naruto chuckled softly, carefully observing the squirming Uchiha below.

"I can't... keep... g-going... I-It hurts..." Sasuke muttered between gaspy breaths.

"Oh come on..." Naruto whispered huskily into his ear, his hot breath traveling down his back, making Sasuke shiver, "Don't you like this?" he asked, licking his jawline seductively as he kept moving everything.

"Ngh... Nmm... N-Naruto..." he moaned the Fox's human name, "P-Please... Mn..."

"Please what?!" The fox questioned, nibbling roughly on the soft flesh behind Sasuke's ear with his fangs. Sasuke could be heard loudly moaning into Naruto's sensitive ears. His back arching, pressing his chest to the hard-packed muscles of Naruto.

"Please... More... faster... I can't stand this pace any longer..." He pleaded.

"But I thought you wanted me to stop?" The fox inquired as he moved a bit slower. He proceeded to make a dark hickey behind Sasuke's right ear with his almost razor-sharp teeth. He was trying hard not to break the skin.

"I-I know... but I also know even if I continued to beg, you wouldn't stop... So please, stop going at this unbearably slow place, please... Faster, for me!" Sasuke groaned. He felt himself drawing nearer to his prolonged climax as he pushed himself greedily onto Naruto's shaft.

"Whatever you say Sasuke Uchiha." The fox agreed as he began to pound into the seemingly smaller of the two males as he also pumped his length, trying to give Sasuke the full experience that he seemed to now crave.

Sasuke was worn out by the time he finally came into the Fox's hand as Naruto also ejaculated inside of him. Sasuke's breath hitched as he felt his big release, feeling Naruto's hot, creamy cum shoot itself inside of him, "How are you feeling now, Sasuke?" He whispered as he softly, with his fangs, made a line down his jaw.

"Honestly... Exhausted... I want it to stop..." Sasuke started, "I want this feeling to go away... to stop begging you to do these... nasty things...:" Sasuke complained as he pushed Naruto away softly and covered his face in embarrassment.

Naruto sighed and collapsed on top of Sasuke, after a moment he stirred again. Sasuke could feel his friend shift above him, and the silence that filled the room was stifling.

"S-Sasuke...?" Naruto sounded confused as he looked down at a ravished Shinobi.

"Naruto?" Sasuke replied as he peeked up at the blonde.

"What... What did I... do?!" He sounded terrified. Sasuke looked up and saw that Naruto's eyes were blue again, his whiskers had rescinded, and his claws and fangs retracted.

"W-What happened to your fangs... your whiskers... and your claws..." Sasuke took a stuttering breath.

"What did I do Sasuke?! Did I- Did I do this to you?!" He sounded mildly terrified, moving away from Sasuke. Looking over the injuries and other... things. He noticed the paralysis seals and quickly got to removing them.

"We-Well... I-It's not like I didn't... enjoy it..." Sasuke all but mumbled as feeling slowly seeped back into his legs.

"S-So I did?! I did this? How could I?" Naruto choked as tears trace down his cheeks, "I tried so hard to keep him in check... Because he knew how I felt about you... But he, when I was most vulnerable, he took advantage of me... of you! How could I let him do this to you?!" Naruto cried as he began to pound his fists into his head as if to punish himself.

"Naruto!" Sasuke gasped as he grabbed onto Naruto's hands and dragged them away from his skull and held him at bay.

"How can I have done this, you're bleeding and ravished... I would never have done this had I been in control! I-I'm so sorry Sasuke..." Naruto looked at him sadly as if he really meant what he had said, "I try to punish myself for what I've done, but you stop me! Why? Is it to punish me more, because that's just cruel."

"I would never do this to punish you. You didn't know what you were doing, I don't blame you Naruto." Sasuke admitted as he smiled at him. Naruto's heart nearly melted at the sight, "In fact, if he hadn't done this... I don't think I would have realized... That I... That I like you... like that," He mumbled, ducking his head away in shame.

"W-Wait, what?" Naruto was shocked, second-guessing himself, he thought that maybe he didn't hear him right.

"Yeah... it wasn't fully you... but I think... I think I may be in love with you, Naruto."

Naruto's blue eyes widened, "R-really?"

Sasuke smirked, "Dobe! Yes, really..."

"Somehow," Naruto shifted his weight, "I can't believe you... How could you love a monster like-"

Naruto was stopped short when a smooth pair of lips came in contact with his. Naruto flinched back slightly but soon lost himself in the lips of the Uchiha.

The End


Sorry for the crappy ending but I had said I would do this for a friend of mine on Wattpad almost two years ago and it's about time I published it. I feel really bad but hopefully, she won't hate me for doing it almost two years late... I mean it technically wasn't my fault because I really hadn't watched all that much Naruto and I started off with the Shippuden series... Now I know what you're all thinking, why the hell did you write this fan-fic then... But let me defend myself right now because she really wanted me to do this fan-fic and I didn't want to let her down. And well, you can leave the rest of the story up to your own beautiful imaginations! Love you and hope you had fun with this story! And by the way, I would just like to thank a friend of mine who helped me with the terminology and major editing of this story, Thank you. I shall not name her for certain reasons because I honestly don't know if she'd want to be known for making something so dirty.

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