Chapter #1: Feelings Become Reality

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Ominecent's POV

"Sensei! Sensei! Watch this." A young twelve-year-old girl said, some mumbling and hand signs later she released a powerful blast of chakra. Her dark blue pigtails waved slightly in the wind before everything settled back down.

"Try not to waste so much chakra," Sasuke said, "Remember the tree training we did last week."

She was used to Sasuke's manner as she steeled herself in determination. "Hai, like this?" She released a blast of air toward her unsuspecting teammate.

"AH! Riko-chan, watch it." a short boy with white/gold hair whined, "Sensei, Riko is picking on me again."

Sasuke looked down at the boy, raising an eyebrow he said, "Shouldn't you be working on that jutsu I showed you earlier?"

"Heh... Yeah about that..." the boy trailed off nervously under his mentor's stern gaze.

"Mitsu-kun, get back to training." His third student called over, "I think it's time we duel it out to see who's jutsu is stronger."

"Coming Nootau!" Mitsu called, running over to a red-haired boy.

Sasuke watched his students nonchalantly, watching their movements for sloppy work. Sasuke reflected back to when he was training with the two wannabe ninja, their names... Sakura and Naruto. The two most annoying ninja in the history of ninja. Well, that is, according to Sasuke at the very least.

He remembered how hard it had been for Naruto to advance but also how easy life was for him. He hadn't felt the loss of his entire family in a single night. He reminisced with memories of old, that in all honesty were better left forgotten. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about the day, maybe that is why he couldn't stop thinking about old times. As he was lost in his own world something mysterious took place... in that dark, hardened heart of his.

Sasuke felt a powerful blow to his chest, knocking him back into a tree. His breath fled his lungs, leaving him to cough harshly.

"Sasuke-sensei!!!!!!!" His students exclaimed, turning around to find the source of their teacher's attacker.

"Ha-ha, so weak, you should really learn to keep an eye on your surroundings, baka." A familiar voice taunted, "If this were a real battle, you'd be nothing more than a flayed pork meat bun."

"Hn," Sasuke replied, his impassive face not wavering, while his embarrassment took over. How dare Naruto make him seem so weak in front of his own students. He straightened, looking around for the blonde idiot.

Sasuke had to admit it though, he was impressed at how much the clown had improved over the years. Sure he was still a goof, but he also seemed to have raw power at his disposal. He couldn't help but feel threatened knowing that he could be so easily overpowered, remembering the time when they themselves were at Genin level.

"What do you want Naruto?" Sasuke sighed, brushing the pine needles out of his hair.

"I came here to invite you and Sakura's teams to free ramen," Naruto giggled, appearing in front of Sasuke, "It'll be just like old times!" He slung an arm over Sasuke's shoulder, gaining him a harsh glare.

"Sasuke, be nice," Sakura scolded as she walked up to them, her students following obediently behind, "It's not every day Naruto offers us free food."

"Yeah Sasuke-teme, lighten up," Naruto smirked, giving Sasuke a rough noogie.

"Ack!" Sasuke exclaimed, trying, but failing to push Naruto off. "Baka, have you ever heard of personal space?" Sasuke started to blush slightly as the blonde accidentally ground up against his backside. Sasuke let out a muffled, but concealed moan. He became very uncomfortable with the fact that Naruto was so close to him, but he had no idea why.

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