The beginning

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It was a normal day in Pella, the markets were loud with excitement as the vendors shouted out deals in hopes of attracting the wealthy, "Fresh fish straight from the sea" "Sterling jewels that would make King Phillip jealous" "Armour polish that will even get rid of the toughest blood stains".  Among this crowd was a young handmaiden to Queen Olympia herself, she had been tasked with retrieving the queen new pets, who were resting in the straw basket by the hand maiden's side, but her trek back to the palace was stopped by a peculiar noise "WAHHHHHH" a cry of a baby could be heard in a darkened alley way. The young maid was conflicted she wanted to arrive at her mistress' chambers before  nightfall but she couldn't leave a baby all alone on a clear conscience, all it took was another cry from the child to have the maid rushing into the alley way and was confronted by a horrific sight. Laying there in the empty alley was a tiny baby, barely a day old laying in the dirt and filth of the alley way "oh you poor thing" the maid said rushing to pick up the babe and upon closer inspection saw that the baby in question was a girl, "who would leave their baby here?" she asked, knowing no one would answer her, looking down at the baby she noticed how the child has two marks on her body, one on her wrist that looked like a lyre and another on her other that was an owl, before looking at these further she was awoken by the child's laughter which mad the maid laugh "what an interesting baby I can't leave you here I will take you back to my queen, she will be able to help you more than I can".

And that's what she did, after wrapping up the babe in some spare material she had on her person the maid walked straight towards the palace not stopping for anything. She arrived at the palace by dawn and went straight for Queen Qlympia's room and thankfully dodging encounters with men from Phillip's army, the last thing she needed was to be harassed by horny men, arriving at the Queen's room the maid immediately knocked "come in" was the response and the maid opened up to see Olympia holding her two year old Alexander. "your majesty I'm sorry for my lateness I have your pets here," the maid showed her the basket as she gave Alexander to another maid in the room to inspect the snakes, "excellent Chloe these will be perfect for my collection" the queen states taking the snakes out of the basket to place them in their new home, noticing the maid holding something swaddled in material, "what's that you have there in your arms?" the queen asked suspiciously, the maid lifted the material to show her queen "its a baby girl your highness I found her there in a alley way just like that" she explained allowing the queen to hold the babe "she is quite a beauty just look hair that looks as black as the night sky, and eyes that looks like Poseidon's ocean and she was just laying there?" the queen asked inspecting the child, "yes right there on the ground no blanket nor basket" the queen notices and the birthmarks and smiles thinking of how this will prove to be favorable for her. "well she may be more important than I thought, ladies come here, " she called the maids over to congregate around her showing them the baby, "look here she has the mark of Apollo and Athena the gods have gifted her to us for my son, she is the perfect bride for the son of Zeus" she explains to them and the timid maid holding Alexander spoke up "um my queen what are your plans for taking care of the child?" making the queen pause her plan. She quickly answered the maid "Chloe will take care of the child since she found her," passing the child off to said maid, "you will teach her how to be a maid and when she turns ten I'll give her a position as my son's maid and training her to be a wife for Alexander now you must not let that barbarian Phillip see her, be near her or even know of her existence, I need her to be pure for my son if Phillip sees her he will take her purity and the gods will release there anger on us for damaging her and it will be all your fault!" she explained getting louder each time the maid eagerly agreed not wanting to make her mistress more mad and receiving lashes for her insolence and the queen's mood went back to normal "good now you are excused from your duties for the rest of the night get someone anyone to replace you, you may now leave" Olympia shooed out the young maid and the child from her room thinking about how pleasantly her plan to secure her son on the throne was coming together.

Chloe hurried to the servant's quarters but decides to take a detour to the king's harem her reason for going there to tell her lover about the child of the gods Apollo and Artemis, her lover is a eunuch named Damaris a good looking man who's looks could rival that of Adonis and they have been in love since their first meeting many years ago and despite their different occupations have stayed true even to this day. Arriving at the harem she spotted Tannis, bully of a warrior that used the maids simply for his pleasure not caring for consent or not and Chloe was his next victim, she quickly hid the child praying to the gods that the child won't make a sound, "Chloe how interesting to see you here" she turned around hearing his voice and feigning confidence "yes well Tannis sir I was just visiting Damaris I heard he hurt himself" she faked making the warrior laugh "you mean pretty boy in there why do you waste time with people like him" Tannis indicates to the room behind him "like what?" Chloe asked not really understanding his prejudice "it's simple darling," he started putting his arm around Chloe who immediately looks like she is going to die from his touch, "Eunuchs like him were made for people like Philip to use as long as he wants with no chance of his concubine of getting pregnant and producing bastards, while woman such as yourself were made for men like me to quench our thirst" he finishes his speech but another voice interrupts them. "Do you really believe that Tannis or are you just jealous I never played with you" the maid and warrior turn to see a man, Damaris, looking like he just finished washing as Tannis sneers at the man. "Damaris always showing up when your not wanted" "really because it looks like your disturbing the maids Tannis, still angry that the king choose me and not you", flustered from the remark Tannis leaves the room making Chloe sigh in relief and Damaris smirking in victory, "did he insult you princess?" Damaris asked coming to stand next to Chloe "yes" "don't worry I'll protect you" Damaris said before kissing Chloe but was interrupted from the giggle of a baby girl making him confused. Before commenting though Chloe explained "I found her in an alley," bringing out the baby from her hiding place, "I spoke to the queen she wants me to take care of her and raise her to be a maid" Damaris nodded his head "I understand but why did you bring her here?" He asked "well the queen wants her to be out of Phillip's sight and mind and that when she turns ten she will be the Prince's maid and the reason why I'm here is because I wanted to raise this baby like our daughter plus I want you to keep her here and protect her from the men that will hurt her please for me?" She pleaded holding out the baby to Damaris to hold which he did and answered her "I will do as you say but let's get out of here, do you have any duties to do?" Chloe shakes her head and Damaris takes her hand and pulls her down a secret path that only they and the other maids know and exit in Chloe's quarters.

"Doesn't the king need you?" Chloe asked Damaris who was taking the baby up to the window and looking at the stars, "no Princess by the time he wants someone to please him he will be too drunk to know who he sleeps with so it's fine, but on a more pressing matter what shall we call this girl?" Chloe paused in thought before walking towards the two and looking at the stars "I don't know, hey look Apollo is standing there next to Athena" she commented pointing out the constellations to Damaris, "yeah," he looks down at the laughing baby noticing the marks, "Apollo and Athena put their marks on the girl too" Chloe laughs at the coincidence. "Yeah it's like the gods are telling us she was gifted to us," she said before pausing, "that's it I know what to name her" "mind telling us your idea?" Her lover asked "her name shall be Asta because she is 'from the stars'" she sates waiting for their reaction "I love it what about you?" He asked the baby who giggled at the name and Damaris looked at Chloe, "she loves it like I love you". He sealed his confession with a kiss, the newly named Asta giggling in joy, her naive, baby innocence wouldn't even be able to comprehend her life from that point on with be filled with not only pain, jealousy, heartbreak but also joy, victories and most of all true love.

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