The difference between men and women

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A/N: Hey guys, I do not own Alexander or Hephaistion they are owned equally by Oliver Stone and history, I own my character Aster/Adonis and this book.Please don't be afraid to leave a comment, heart or vote, especially if I get anything wrong with the history if I do please tell me so I can rectify it, pleasant readings.Also the photo above is what Asta looks like, and be warned there is smut in this chapter, also I should have said this earlier but Hephaistion is a year older than Asta and Alexander is two years older than her.

Ever since that day everything was different for Asta, the Queen continued to teach her, with added lessons about being queen which Asta hated but couldn't say that to her superior, she had less chores because of the extra lessons. Unfortunately that meant spying less on the boys during their lessons, especially their wrestling lesson which made Asta feel weird at times, though she noticed how close Alexander and Hephaistion are in fact sometimes she noted how they went into empty rooms together but she never stayed to find out why. However, the good thing about not having many chores is that she had a lot of free time to focus on perfecting her transformation, with help from her godmother it hurt less and less, she still needed practice which she did transform to get away from either guards on her tail, the queen as bad as that sounds or when she is running from the prince and his best friend, which ironically lead to Asta making her closest friends.

It was a hot day in Pella this morning but none were feeling the heat as much as Asta, who had been order to do the washing and was outside hanging it up in this unbearably heat. Asta doesn't mind as it gives her peace, well it would if it were not the day that Alexander and Hephaistion, at the ages of 15 and 14, decided today was the day they wrestled for the hundredth time. "I will beat you this time phaistion" Alexander wheezed out just before Hephaistion pinned Alexander "sorry what was that you were saying Xander I didn't hear you, I was busy beating you again" Hephaistion said smirking at his victory, Alexander asked "it does not matter you won again, what is my punishment for this defeat?" Hephaistion paused thinking of what he could order the prince to do "I order you to kiss me" Alexander didn't waste time giving his close companion, and only one trusted friend a kiss what they weren't expecting was that they would have an audience. Asta squeaked at the kiss in revealing herself to the boys who had turned to look her way spotting the girl immediately, frightened and scared at her punishment she ran away as the boys followed not wanting her to give out their secret. "Wait!" "Stop running!!" "We only want to talk to you!" The boys' pleas fell on deaf ears as the young girl ran into a hidden passage only the servants know leaving the boys stunned at her disappearance "where did she go?" Hephaistion asked, "does not matter if we can't find her she'll tell mother and Phili-," Alexander was interrupted by a scream hat altered the boys, "that way" Alexander led the way to an almost empty room, the only occupant was boy who's beauty could rival Hephaistion laying in a pool of blood, making the boys uneasy. "Excuse me," Hephaistion called out making the boy look up at them, "sorry if we are disturbing you but we are looking for a girl long black hair, pale skin, have you seen her?" The boy skittishly answered back "no no no I haven't", the boy moved out of the blood, Hephaistion and Alexander watching him, well Alexander was watching his feet noticing how on the boy's left foot his heel never touched the ground, in fact he found it strange how when looking for girl they find a boy of the same age. So with a determined face he runs up pushing the boy on his back making him land on his left heel, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" the boy screamed, as Alexander's thoughts are confirmed "Alexander why?" Hephaistion asked after closing the door to the room and walking to stand next to his friend, "When I was younger phaistion before we were friends I remember a night where Phillip was drunk and attacking mother in a effort to stop Phillip I tried to fight but was unsuccessful as he pushed me and a babe no more than two off the bed, unfortunately the babe fell into mother's snake jar and was bite in her left heal, forever paralyzing it" as Alexander told this story the crying boy calmed down "Yes your highness I was the young girl that night" the boy answered the question that wasn't asked. Hephaistion confusion was known "but how can you be a boy then?" "I am a hermaphrodite" he answered, "ho-"AHHHHHHHHH" the boy screamed once again interrupting Alexander and the boys became confused as the boy's legs were drenched in more blood. Immediately jumping into action Hephaistion asked "what's wrong? Why are you bleeding?" In order to calm down, the hermaphrodite breathed in and out to ease the pain "in my haste ... to disappear ... I turned myself ... but I only changed my outward appearance," swallowing his own saliva, "my organs are still of a woman and it is my monthly bleeding and it hurts so much" the boy cried out. But was silenced as Hephaistion brought him to his chest and proceeded to gently rub the boy's back "does that feel better?" He asked "yes sir" the boy blushed as he felt Hephaistion hands moving on his back, "wait here I'll get you some healing herbs" Alexander rushed out of the room leaving Hephaistion and the still unnamed boy resting, "t-t-thank you, y-y-you don't have to" the boy stuttered out making the one holding him chuckle "nonsense we can't leave someone like you in pain, can you change back?" The boy nodded concentrating and soon enough his appearance turned to the girl the boys were running after, "may I know the name of the girl Xander and I are helping?" Hephaistion asked "oh it's Asta" "perfect name for a beauty like you," Asta blushed, "My name is Hephaistion and my friend is named Alexander, sorry about chasing you we didn't want you to tell anyone about what you saw" "I-I won't tell anyone" she stuttered out looking into Hephaistion's eyes "don't worry I believe you", their moment was soon ruined by Alexander running back with some medical berries "here" he says giving the berries to Asta and she thanked him eating some still in Hephaistion's arms. Realization soon showed in Alexander's eyes "your a girl!" he exclaimed making the others laughed as Hephaistion explained "this is her true form and her name is Asta" and that was how the friendship between Asta, Hephaistion and Alexander came to be.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2018 ⏰

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