Growing up

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A/N: Hey guys sorry I forgot to do this when I started writing so here it is, I do not own Alexander or Hephaistion they are owned equally by Oliver Stone and history, I own my character Aster/Adonis (picture above just imagine he has brown eyes) and this book.Please don't be afraid to leave a comment, heart or vote, especially if I get anything wrong with the history if I do please tell me so I can rectify it, pleasant readings.

Since that day despite their standings Chloe and Damaris raised their daughter like a queen, as a babe Chloe couldn't take care of her because of her duties towards the queen so Asta stayed with her father in the harem where she was doted upon by the men and woman of the harem. She would be told fantastical legends of heroes of Olympias such as Achilles, Perseus and of course Apollo and Athena, they would wrap her in the most beautiful silks and shower her with precious gems and jewels. Of course there are days where Asta stays with Chloe and in those Asta is cared for by the Queen who uses those times to acquaint Asta with Alexander, and he isn't interested in her and a lot of their interactions are forced by Olympia, these times are also more dangerous because of Phillip but luckily he is so drunk he doesn't remember. But that was when life was simple for young Asta, as she will soon find out growing up in this world is harder that you think.

As soon as she turned the age of five Asta was being taught how to be a maid, unfortunately this meant that her time with her father were virtually none existent and was replaced with time being taught be Queen Olympias her self while the young prince Alexander was being taught by Aristotle. And this is where a seed of jealousy was placed inside of Asta's heart, she was jealous of Alexander but not for his title, nor looks or his gold, she was jealous of his gender ever since she was young she had wondered why woman weren't allowed to do what men can do and wanted to be one yourself so she could experience the freedom of being a man. Her parents simply thought it was a fanciful dream but made sure she would not tell anyone of this dream, it did not help that one of her chores required her to walk past the training grounds where young men were taught to wrestle, she witnessed Alexander's victories with a tiny smile and when he lost she gave a tiny giggle but left before she could be seen. Speaking of her chores at first she had been given simple tasks but as she grew so did her chores her main one being the head maid of Alexander and even then he would not pay any attention to her.

But Asta's life changed drastically on the eve of her 13 birthday, she had awoken to many gifts from the harem which consisted of foreign perfumes, priceless jewellery and fine silks for her to make into clothing. Despite it being her birthday she still had her chores and her training, so she had made her way to the Queen's chambers and she was welcomed immediately "morning Asta I hear that soon you will be thirteen?" Olympias asked "yes your majesty" Asta replied making the queen shake her head at Asta "no we will be family soon and you do not need to call me by such titles" Olympias told the young maid making her confused "I don't understand" "well your going to marry my son Alexander, your parents never told you did they?" Asta was angered by the question but didn't show it "told me what?" The Queen sensing distress immediately held both of Asta's hand in her own "Chloe and whoever she chose to make your father aren't your real parents, years ago when you were just a babe the maid Chloe found you alone in an alley but," the queen paused her speech showing Asta her two birthmarks ,"these are the symbols of Apollo and Athena your a child of two gods and you will marry Alexander the son of Zeus and it will led Macedonia into glorious victory" when Olympias finished Asta rips her hands from her hold not believe it the news "no your wrong I am not the child of gods, I will not lead Macedonia into victory and I am not marrying someone I don't even know" Asta left the room I search of her family.

She ran the halls looking for who she thought were her parents and as she was searching she began thinking that what the queen said was true, she didn't look anything like her parents with her black hair, blue eyes and pale skin. Up ahead she saw the doors of the harem and ran straight in finding Damaris and collapsing in his arms, "Asta what's wrong?" The man asked his distressed daughter "is it true? I am not your daughter?" She asked close to tears her father looked angry "who told you?" He asked "who told you?" He repeated "the Queen she said that I was found with the symbols of gods and that you and mum are not my real parents" Asta's words broke Damaris' heart as he held his daughter while she cried waiting for her to calm down before her told her "listen Asta yes your mother found you one night and we took care of you but that doesn't mean we don't love you as our own, my little star we are family through our love and trust always remember that" "yes daddy I will thank you" Damaris smiled at his daughter "your welcome now I believe you should hurry before the others know you are late to your chores" and once again Asta ran wanting to get to her chores without getting in trouble.

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