Prologue- Demons and Shadows

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It was quiet. Like every other night in our household. I didn't even notice for I was asleep.

I heard a scream. I woke up immediately.

Frightened, I got up as quietly as I could. My heart was racing. Every step I took felt like I was taking another step towards my end.


"Oh No!" I thought. "Why did that have to happen?"

I froze and listened. My mind was racing on the possibilities, what could be in the other room. It was quiet again.

I felt a strange presence. A strange feeling of panic and fear. I was expecting someone to appear at my door any second now.

The cracked door revealed the same darkness that was always there.

The sun was coming up now. I would be able to see out the door now.

I tiptoed near the door and peeked out.

Terror struck me. A man was walking down the hallway towards the Living room. It was neither my dad nor my older brother.

"Oh no! Oh no! Oh god! Oh god!" I almost said.

Somehow the figure had sensed my presence and froze. He whipped around.

He had some type of black smoke seeping from him. He had to be at the very most 25. His black luscious hair was about shoulder length. His eyes were glowing red

with sharp "claws" dripping with blood. He wore a long black coat that had new and old bloodstains on it. He wore a ripped shirt and tattered jeans

with black combat boots.

He looked relieved and grinned.

"Hello my ssssssssweet!" The figure said. Strangely he had a snake-ish like lime green tongue, which would sneak out of his mouth when he spoke.

I gave him a stare of hatred knowing what he had done. Tears poured out of my eyes, but I didn't show any signs of sadness in my eyes.

"Com'on out! Don't be shhhhhy." he said

I remained where I was. Not moving. Not trusting a man of Murder.

"COM'ON! I don't have all day."

I decided it would be best to do as he said. So that he would not kill me... or would he? I opened the door a little just enough for him to see me, but not enough to be able to grab me before

I could slam the door.

"A little more c'ommmmmon now."

I sighed in fear and frustration. Then opened the door halfway and took a step out of the only safe place I could think of at the moment.

My heart was out of control.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

I was positive he could hear the beating of my heart going a million miles an hour.

"Pardon me. I haven’t formally introducccced myssssself. You may call me... Vincccccent. What may I call you?" he asked

I ignored him. He doesn't need to know. He probably already does.

"What isss it ssssssweet?"

I grumbled under my breath then said, "Stella."

"Pleasssssure to meet you Ssssssssstella."

"Thatsssss better!” He exclaimed, his floppy tongue slipping past his perfect teeth.

"What do you want?!" I yelled.

Prologue- Demons and ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now