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"We're going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship, Zooming through the sky, Little Einst-,"

"You're a cool lad, Caesar and I have absolutely nothing against you," Harry interrupted and I swiveled around from my spot in the passenger seat to see Harry glowering at Caesar who currently sat next to him in the middle seat. Liam lifted his head that was previously pressed up against the window to look at Harry as well. "But I swear to god, if you don't stop fucking singing that song I will beat the shit out of you."

Caesar frowned and then scoffed, leaning back against the seat and crossing his arms. "Well Shit, its not my fault Lila's radio is broken. And you bunch don't feel like talking either."

"How do you know that song anyways?" Lila asked in amusement, cocking her eyebrow as she glanced at Caesar in the rear view mirror. Caesar paused, shifting uncomfortably and narrowing his eyes.

"When you're on house arrest for as long as I was, you get bored with the same shit always on TV. So I decided to do a little channel exploring. Turns out The Little Einsteins is a great show to watch when you're high."

Despite the fact I had already explained to Liam awhile ago that Caesar was a good guy even though he was part of Harry's and my 'kidnapping', Liam still got awkward any time Caesar mentioned it. The fact that I repeatedly told him Caesar took a bullet for me was probably the only reason Liam managed to tolerate him but he still tenses up. Just like he was now at the reminder of his house arrest.

"I can't believe you risked getting high when you were under house arrest," I said, trying to lighten the mood as I stifled a laugh and shook my head. "Didn't you have a parol officer constantly checking up on you?"

He grinned. "Yeah. I just told him we had skunks around our house any time he mentioned the stank."

"And he bought it?" Liam asked, his shoulders losing the tenseness as his mouth twitched into a smile.

"Yeah. I'm convinced he knew the truth though, just didn't care enough to report me for it." He shrugged and sighed tiredly. "Carajo, I miss weed."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows confusedly then looked to me with questioning eyes. "Means fuck or shit." I translated and he nodded. I looked to the dashboard to see we had only been driving for forty five minutes and sighed in exasperation. We still had another twenty minutes or so until we arrived into our home town.

Liam clearing his throat to catch my attention, drew my gaze back to the rear view mirror where I could see him staring at me. I raised my eyebrows and turned around in my seat to meet his stare full on. "What?"

He hesitated them cleared his throat again awkwardly. "So uh, my mom texted me and told me your dad isn't coming to Thanksgiving."

Immediately, I tensed at the mention of him and felt my face lose all emotion. "What?"

"Your dad isn't coming to my mom's for Thanksgiving."

I blinked and then furrowed my eyebrows confusedly. My dad always went to my aunts for the holidays, why wouldn't he go this year? "Did he tell her that?"

"Yeah. He told her he wasn't going to be coming this year and I had told her you weren't going to come because, well you didn't want to see him. So when he told her he wasn't gonna show up she told me so I could tell you." He paused and pressed his lips together. "Mom is hoping that now that he isn't going to come, you will change your mind and join us after all."

I opened my mouth to respond but paused and glanced at Harry, who was watching us with mere interest. "I told Harry I'd spend it with him and his family."

Her Deliverance (vol. 2) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now