[Chapter 3]: Sunrise and Goodbyes

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(Y/N)'s POV

The next morning I had almost completely forgot about our guest who was currently staying in my room. In fact, all I was thinking about was the comfort I felt laying in cozy sheets. There was a warm surface against my backside. It made me feel content and happy with where I was.

I turned around to meet a strong crimson gaze of a gorgeous male model. His long, white hair was loose around his broad and bare shoulders. He was propped up on his elbow and the sheets draped over him like a robe. The white of the fabric reflected from his pale skin making him look like a greek god. A wide grin cracked on his face turning this marble figure into a living being, "Good morning, princess."

His voice was deep and clear, the perfect voice for an actor; yet, it was still tired, "Good morning Zeus," I joked, though I knew he was incapable of understanding. I turned my body completely around so that I was facing him. His face had a mixture of confusion and amusement, "You're a dork," he teased.

I giggled, my fingers trailing over to his hair on instinct. It was very silky, each strand slipped between my (skin color) fingers. Without my notice, his hand had made his way towards me and was placed tenderly on my cheek, "You have acne," He commented plainly.

"How rude," I whined and rolled out of his grip, "Stupid Mr. Perfect." I pouted and played stubborn as I faced away from him, "Babe, you're beautiful. Sorry, I'm just teasing." He gently attempted to roll me back over with his single hand but I pulled away, "Hmph."

"Princesss~" He raised his fingers threateningly. I let out another stubborn huff, I wouldn't let his threats defeat me. I quickly regretted those thoughts as my waist was mercilessly attacked by his long fingers. I burst out into laughter as I hopelessly batted his hands away. Now on my back, he leaned over me declaring power. Tears reached my eyes, "St-stop!" I begged but laughter quickly covered my words again.

"Only if you accept my apology," he demanded. I rolled back and forth trying to push him off to stop these spasms of laughter. My pride wouldn't let me give up so easily, but I was losing it. After a minute of torture I gave in, "Okay! Okay! I for-give you," he stopped tickling me with a pleased smile on his face.

I stood up from the bed, my back facing Zen. I turned my head around and stuck my tongue out, "Meanie." I then quickly scurried away towards the restroom before he could react.

I loved him. It was all just playing, I wasn't mad at him at all. Who would actually be angry about such a simple thing?

I got ready for the day: I took a shower, got dressed, did my hair, put on makeup, brushed my teeth and whatever else a female would do in the beginning of a new day. In the end I was wearing my old white sweater, a black skirt and black tights.

When I entered the kitchen, Lily was sitting on a stool, swinging her feet back and forth like a child. Meanwhile, Zen was making breakfast. Despite what you may think, he is particularly skilled in the art of cooking.

"Mr. Zen 'ya look so handsome," she giggled, staring at him as he created our morning meal, "Of course I do. Don't I always?"

I tried my best to pretend as if yesterday's conversation with Lily had never happened. I put my hand on her shoulder, "Don't feed his ego." It was meant to be a joke but she only sent a cold glare back towards me. Though she didn't say anything, I could feel my jaw clench in irritation.

Zen turned around, a plate in each hand and a dazzling smile on his face, "Whatever are you talking about, my beautiful (Y/N)?"

I stuck my tongue out at him playfully and sat down at the table. He placed to food down in front of Lily and I. Pancakes and eggs. Nothing too special.

"Yer cooking is simply wonderful!" Lily burst after one spoonful of eggs. Zen let out a chuckle, "I'm glad you do."

He joined the meal. I stayed quiet as Lily and Zen spoke about his roles and such. I couldn't stand listening to the sound of her voice, so I just tuned it out.

That's before my phone buzzed.

I looked down at the (favorite color) phone in my lap. The screen read: RFA Chatroom.

Supposing I had nothing else to do so I opened it.


Yoosung: (Y/N) r we still hanging out today ?

Yoosung: We were going to play games together but u didnt answr my msg

707: LOLOL

707: She's probably doing things with Zen ;))

Yoosung: ???

Yoosung: What kind of things

707: Well you see, my small blonde companion

707: When two people really like each other

(Y/N): SEVEN!!

707: I've been caught ! !

Yoosung: (Y/NNNNNNNNN) ;;

(Y/N): Sorry Yoosung ;;

(Y/N): Last night was very busy and those troubles have led until today. Zen and I have to take someone home.

(Y/N): I promise I won't miss next time !! I'm sry ;;

Yoosung: ;;

Yoosung: it's OK

707: lolol you've been ditched

(Y/N): Sorry, I have to go. Bye!


I sighed, the feeling of guilt settling in my stomach. I had completely forgot my plans with Yoosung, despite being busy.

"Shall we head off?" Zen asked, suddenly.

"Huh?" I asked in confusion, after raising my head.

"We have to take Lily home. Her mother must be worried sick." Zen insisted as he pushed away from the table. He went to grab his keys and looked back at me, "While you were on your phone, Lily went to go get her stuff."

I laughed nervously, "You noticed?"

"I notice everything. How could I take my eyes off you, my little lamb?"

I could feel my cheeks heating up as a turned away to cover my embarrassment, "Alright, let's go."


Traffic had been heavy and we drove for an hour before finally reaching her house. Lily left with a smile and a wave, but I could see the coldness in her eyes when she looked at me. She thanked Zen then made her way off towards a rather large house where a figuring was waving for her.

As we went back on the road Zen turned towards me, "She was a sweet girl, don't you think?"

I looked I my lap and bit my lip, "Whatever you say."

I was hoping I would never see Lily See again. And I didn't. Instead, there was someone I would see who was much, much worse.  


Sorry for not updating. I've been really busy with school and I'm having major writer's block. It's really hard to write without motivation and I haven't had any recently. I'll try to update more frequently though. And damn y'all are savage af, all of the comments are so violent. Also, sorry for the rushed ending of this chapter, I just really wanted to post.

Thank you for the love and support!

~ Author-hime

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