[Chapter 4]: Chocolate in Autumn

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It's been 4 months since that stressful night, and I'm glad that it's long gone. Then again, nothing too exciting has happened since that time (even though I wouldn't consider that rude girl's stay "exciting"). Everyday was the same. I worked in the office while Zen worked on the stage. We only had to company of each other in the late evening, but by then we were completely exhausted. It was only small talk during dinner as the sound of forks scraping across the clay plates rung in our ears. But I'd have to say I still enjoyed it. Every day with Zen was a day that I could be happy. At night we would come together, body against body and fall peacefully asleep.

I sighed and leaned back against my office chair. It made its usual creak as it sustained my weight from my reclining back. I felt like after being in this job for so long, I just went on autopilot. I knew what to look for in opportunities and emails. How to decline, how to accept, how to set it up on the calendar. My hands did all the work for me.

Sometimes I wonder if this is how Jaehee feels, though I knew she had it much worse working under the demanding Jumin Han. The woman needed a break.

After hours and hours, click after click, I was finally ready to head home. I didn't drive because there was no need. It was a simple 10 minute walk to the apartment where Zen and I lived. I closed my laptop and slid it into my bag. I quickly organized all the papers scattered across my desk and made sure to grab my keys.

I shut the door behind me, tightening the scarf around my neck. With a click the door was locked and I made my way out.

The breeze was nice and cool. I felt it brush against my cheeks, enjoying its company as I walked. The leaves on the ground were crispy and crunched underneath my brown boots. The scenery was pretty. A narrow street with building all a different shade of gray. The warm colors in the trees were like lamps, lighting my path until the end of the street. It was almost magical.

Jeez, I was getting old. I guess I never took the time to appreciate scenery in the past. Too wrapped up in my youth to stop and smell the roses.

I felt a sudden wait on my shoulder that made me flinch. I peered around to see gloved hand resting on my shoulder to get my attention. It belonged to a man, but not just any man. The most gorgeous man on Earth.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, babe," Zen smiled, a crinkle forming at the edge of his eyes.

"It's okay. I wasn't scares, per say. Just a bit surprised, that's all," I grinned up him. He was so tall.

"I finished early and I suspected you would be leaving by now. It's not a special occasion or anything, but it's been awhile since we went out. Want to go get a cup of hot chocolate?"

I felt my heart go through my chest and burst into a thousand stars, "Yes!" I practically screamed before embarrassment hit me. Passerbys stares at me with a startled look on their face, "S-sorry.." I whispered to no one in particular.

Zen started laughing, obviously amused by my little outburst, "Ah.. you're adorable."

I felt my cold cheeks start to burn.

"Let's just go," I urged, wanting to remove myself from this awkward situation.

"Alright," Zen took my mittened hand into his gloved one and we started walking. The scent of leather filled my nostrils. Did he always wear leather? It felt like it. Not that I minded or anything; in fact, I loved the scent of leather. It reminded me so dearly of him.

"How was your day?" I asked. The thing I loved about being with Zen is that there was never an awkward conversation. Our conversations flowed and never had an end. There was always something to talk about. Zen did do most of the talking though.

"It was alright. It's almost the deadline for the last scene, and the director doesn't like how we're doing it. We've been rerecording it over and over, there's seriously no end. He's so picky. I do understand that he wants this to be one of the top movies, he can calm down a little bit. Of course, it's not me making the mistakes, otherwise I'd be having a bad day. The poor lady who is getting yelled at keeps crying and messing up her make up. It really doesn't help. I'm just glad to be out of there."

"Sounds rough," I replied.

"I suppose so. But how about you? How was your day?" He asked, his gaze turning down towards me. Before I could respond, we realized we were at the front of the shop. Zen, being the gentleman (and dork) that he is, opened up the door for me, "My lady~"

"Thank you," I giggled softly, passing through the kindly opened threshold.

As we waited in line to order, he turned to me and raised his eyebrows, waiting for a response, "Oh..um yeah. You know, pretty boring. You've gotten some good opportunities though. Once you're finished with this movie, I plann---" he suddenly placed his finger of my lips.

"Ah, ah, ah," he removed his finger and gently caressed the side of my warm cheeks with his knuckle, "We're here to relax and enjoy each other's company, let's not chat about the future of our work night now."

I sighed, "You're right."

We ordered our hot chocolate and went to sit down by the window. I could still see the narrow street and the glowing leaves underneath the beautiful pale gray sky.

I made the simple mistake of taking a sip of the hot chocolate immediately, "Ow!" I yipped, the burning liquid against my tongue leaving me with pain.

Zen looked at me concerned, "Are you alright? Babe, you're supposed to wait for it to cool."

"Y-yeah I know," Tears rested on the edges of my eyes, "I'm ready for a couple uncomfortable days with a burnt tongue," I chuckled bitterly.

"Be careful. You really do worry me sometimes, (Y/N)," Zen gave me one of his sweet sympathetic smiles. I could tell he was slightly amused, though.

"Don't worry about me," I said, pushing the cup a bit further from me.

"But sometimes that's all I can do. Not about burning your tongue, but also being alone all the time to do my boring work. You do so much for me, darling. It must be horrible sitting in a room having no one to talk to, day to day, only answering emails.

"Well, sometimes Seven or Yoosung give me calls to keep me company as I work," I argued, "I'm fine. It's not much different then I'm used to spending."

"You deserve so much more. I want you to start sticking around me more. From now on, it's a requirement that my manager be with me. You don't even need to respond to all the emails. Just respond to the good ones."

I sighed, "What happened to not talking about work?" I rested my chin on my hand as my elbow was propped up on the table.

"I know, I'm breaking my own rules. But, I just want you to be happy." He rubbed his fingers over mine and I gave him a smile, "Have I ever told you how amazing you are?" I hummed.

"It always feels like the first time," He mused, leaning closer, "But nothing compares to you, my love."

He left a soft peck on my lips before going to take a drink of his hot chocolate. I did as well. Even if it was moody skies and boring conversations, the taste of chocolate in autumn was always so sweet when I was with Zen.


A/N: Sorry this chapter is extremely boring. I updated this as fast as I could during school. It's mostly a filler for things to come.

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