Like the worlds on your shoulders

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Chapter.8 Like the worlds on your shoulders

Rain, it poured from the sky like tears that the clouds cried. The clouds were dark and overwhelming, almost suffocating the sky with their dark presence. The brightly coloured leaves covered the ground, turning brown from the dirt. The trees were almost completely bare. Naked branches that twisted up towards the sky reminding me of the limited time that I had left.

I’m not sure of what changed this morning when I woke, but for some reason the news had really sunk in. Maybe it was end of autumn that had me in this bad mode. One season coming to an end that I would never get to see again.

December was quickly approaching and maybe the thought of what would soon be my last Christmas was what had me feeling like this, but whatever the reason was I was now sitting on my bed staring blankly out the window with some old scrape books in hand.

I was going through the memories of all the things I’d done and all the things I’d accomplished over the years, soaking in everything that made me who I am now.

It was rather sad really, I’d been sitting here all morning feeling sorry for myself just like I promised I wouldn’t do.

“This is ridiculous.” I grumbled, angrily wiping away the tears that had been silently rolling down my cheeks.

Reaching over towards my nightstand I snatched my phone and automatically began typing in the number I’d been thinking of. The phone rang a total of three times before someone finally answered.

“Hello?” Anna asked her voice slightly groggy and a little scratchy from sleep.

“Hey.” I said, trying to keep the slight crack out of my voice that was a result from the crying I’d been doing just moments before. She didn’t seem to notice.


“Yeah it’s me, sorry if I woke you.” I apologized.

“No it’s fine I should be getting up anyway.” She laughed. “What’s up?”

“Do you wanna hang out today?” I asked, hoping that she said yes. I didn’t want to sit in here and cry anymore. I needed to get out and do something fun.

“Yeah sure.” She replied causing a small smile to stretch across my face.

“Okay cool, how bout you meet me at Starbucks in an hour?”

“Okay sure, see you then.”

“Bye.” I said cheerily, snapping my phone shut.

Okay now I have something to do, a distraction. That was what I needed.

Rushing over to my closet I quickly changed out of the sweats I’d been wearing and changed into a cute pair of dark wash skinny jeans with a few rips in them and a body hugging black tank top. To top it off I pulled on my leather jacket and a scarf that was painted in light pinks, purples, and blues. I quickly ran a brush through my hair and left it down in its natural waves.

Grabbing my purse and an umbrella, I was all set to go.

“I’m going out!” I called for whoever might be listening. I didn’t get a reply, but figured if anyone really needed me they’d call.

The rain was still pouring down hard as ever, hitting my umbrella hard like a bunch of tiny light pebbles. It tried to slash through my protective shield in an effort to drench me with its tears. The umbrella did its job though and the rain bounced off its surface to make pools around me.

The rain always had a habit of clearing away everyone, no one really wanted to spend their day out here at the clouds mercy. Having little needles of cold piercing your skin all day was no one’s idea of fun, so I walked alone. Down the street with only the pitter patter of rain as company.

The walk wasn’t very long. On instinct my feet moved faster so that I would get to my destination all the faster. And soon enough I was standing in front of the small little café. The bright green Starbucks sign looking warm and familiar. All the memories of every moment I spent here came flooding back. All the summers I’d come here with my friends to hang out, all the times I’d passed it on my way to a friend’s house, and all the times this had been a meeting a place. As simple as the structure was, this little coffee shop was the centre of everything. Or at least that’s how it looked to me; everything seemed to hold so much more meaning to it now. This wasn’t just a place that sold over priced coffee; it was a place that I’d spent a good chunk of my life wasting money on that overpriced coffee. And when I was gone that overpriced coffee would still be here.

“You gonna stand there all day or we actually going to go inside?” Anna spoke from beside me, causing me to jump in surprise. I hadn’t realized that she was here.

“Yeah sorry I was just zoning out.” I said lamely with a sheepish grin.

“I noticed.” She pulled the door open for us to enter into the shop. Warm air greeting us as we entered.

I hadn’t realized how cold it was out there until now.

We approached the counter first to order our drinks, after paying for our drinks we headed over to a pair of cushiony chairs and took our seats.

“So how are you?” Anna asked, brushing her dark hair over her shoulder.

“I’m good.” I lied with a kind smile, sometimes I was pretty good at the poker face and at moments like these I prided myself in that. “How bout you?”

“I’m fine I guess, a little stressed with school and such, but you know.” She shrugged, taking a sip of her latte.

“Yeah I know what you mean. My chemistry teacher has this big test planned for Monday and I haven’t even started studying.” I was probably the world’s best procrastinator; holding off studying for as long as I could was an unwanted talent of mine.

“Oh I know what you mean! My socials teacher keeps giving us all these assignments that take up all of my time. It’s as if she doesn’t think we have a life!” she exclaimed completely exasperated.

“Oh I know, it’s so annoying!” I agreed.

Our conversation kind of went on from there, slowly trailing off to other trains of thought while we spoke.

“What are you doing tonight?” She asked suddenly just as I was dumping my empty cup into the trash.

“Umm nothing…why?” I held the door open so that we could both exit the coffee shop we’d been sitting in for the past hour.

“Well I was thinking that we should go do something fun; hang out with people and such.” She shrugged.

I knew what she meant by hanging out with people and I was completely on board with the idea. Things like that weren’t usually my scene, but tonight I didn’t really want to be by myself. I just felt like going out and letting myself go. I needed a better distraction.

“Yeah sure!” I eagerly agreed.

Her smile widened into a grin. “Cool, okay well I know that Summer Davis is having a bunch of people over tonight so we could go there.” She suggested, but I could see in her eyes how badly she wanted to go.

I didn’t really know Summer, but I did know that she was a close fan of Violet’s and even though I wouldn’t necessarily classify us as sworn enemies she definently wasn’t my favorite person. She would most likely be there, but I could avoid her.

“Okay sounds like a plan.” A wide smile spread across my face matching Anna’s.

We didn’t really have a plan of what we were going to tell our parents cause god knows mine wouldn’t let me go. Getting drunk with a bunch of kids they didn’t know definently wasn’t going to fly and if I got caught I was so dead. This little party thing probably wasn’t worth the risk, but I couldn’t find it in me to care.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2012 ⏰

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