Things Can Happen-Tristan

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Chapter 3: Tristan  

Finally, after Tyler was gone, Daniel grabbed my cloths and helped me up.

"Are you ok Vanessa?" he really was a good guy after all.

"I'm fine and thanks. I mean really thanks. Thank you so much Daniel." Even if I really don't like him, I really appreciate him saving me.

Knowing I was still half naked, I told Daniel that I was going to take a shower, and that he could leave. He just nodded his head and I headed towards the bathroom.

Once I was in the shower I thought about what just happened:

First-Kristin kicked me out of her house

Second-Tyler showed up

Third- he kissed me

Forth-he tried to rape me

Fifth-Daniel showed up this time and saved me.

What a lovely evening.

Once I finished my shower, I went to my room and got some new cloths. This time I wore a t-shirt and a pair of regular length shorts. 

I wasn't expecting Daniel to be down stairs, but I was wrong about that.

He was sitting on the couch watching T.V. 

"I said you could leave. You don't have to stay here."

He stopped watching the T.V and looked at me. 

When I was in the bathroom, I saw that I had bruises all along my arms and I knew that was what he was looking at.

"Are you sure you are ok Vanessa?" he said in a troubled voice.

"I am fine Daniel, seriously. Its just Tyler caught me by surprise you know. He was my boyfriend for four years and I loved him." I went to sit next to him on the couch and told him the story about Tyler and I. 

By the end of my story, I was crying like a pathetic fool. I never knew I could cry so much.

"Nobody is worth your tears, and the one who is won't make you cry." Daniel whispered. I looked up at him and saw a little smile across his face. I never thought Daniel would have said anything like that. He really is sweet.

"Thanks," I whispered back. 

So we just sat there both of us beginning really quiet and the tension heating up.

"So, why all of a sudden did you come visit Kristin?"

"Well Kristin and I were very close until her brother said we couldn't see each other anymore."

"Wait, she had a brother. I didn't know that."

"Weird that she didn't tell you about him. So what ever. So, you see Tristan, her brother was on drugs and did not like me. I do not know why but he just did not like his only cousin. So, he told Kristin that if she did not stop talking to me he would do some gruesome things to her."

I cannot believe she did not tell me she had a brother.

"So I told her I wouldn't leave her with him but she insisted I'd go, so I did what Kristin wanted me to and stopped seeing her and talking to her. Not until now, I could see her because her brother just disappeared, which was not bad but it still is her brother. But yeah, since he's gone I can start seeing her again."

I could not believe this. All this time she had a brother and I have never seen him or met him. Kristin's house is my house. How could I have missed him all these years?

Is this why she has been distant for a while now?

"So you or Kristin have no clue where Tristan is. That is weird. He's there one day and gone the next."

"Well that's kinda why we are going this weekend. He has some leads on him at the place where we are going. So, we are hoping to find him there. But if not, vacation time."

I was still stunned about Kristin not telling me she had a brother. I thought we told each other everything. I thought I could trust her.

As if Daniel could read my thoughts he said, "she has her reasons, Vanessa. You have to trust her. If not, everything will go wrong. And no, I can't tell you what I mean by that but just trust me with this, she needs your trust."

I was crying again and I didn't like crying in front of Daniel. By this time, instead of saying some weird saying he took me into his arms and just held me tight. After what happened with Tyler and the shit about Kristin, this seemed about the best thing that happened to me today. He was very warm, and since I was small and he was big and buff, I fit right into his arms. I felt so good, that I didn't want him to let go and he didn't. We just sat there like that, all peaceful and relaxed. 

It started to get late, but he still never let go of me. I started to get sleepy, so I looked up at Daniel and saw he was looking at me to. Those beautiful blue eyes. I wished I could see them all the time. And once I fell into a deep sleep, my wish came true. In my dream, all I could see was Daniels deep blue eyes, staring into mine. Then his eye's faded away, all I could see was darkness, and then I heard Kristin's voice repeatedly,

"Promise me Vanessa that you will not get close with Daniel."

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