Things Can Happen- Love At First Site

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Chapter 4:  Love At First Site

Daniel POV 

Waking up with Vanessa in my arms, made me feel as if I was still dreaming. But knowing this could never happen again made everything a nightmare. I could not lead her into my world that will shatter hers. Knowing what I am just makes me feel like my own world has shattered. But how am I supposed to stay away from her when I have already chosen her. Since the first time I laid eyes on her I knew she was the on for me and I have known since I was seven. 

When Kristin asked me if I remembered her ten years ago, I couldn't say yes because that is her best friend, sisters. She cares for her just as much as I care for Vanessa. So telling her yes might make her a little curious.

Kristin does not want her involved in our world. But I had to come see Vanessa. It has been so long since I have seen her, but she doesn't remember me at all. Not even a little bit.

Sometimes I wonder if she feels the pull between us, if she just feels anything. I know it's only been a day but once I felt her presence, all I did was want to hold her as I am now. 

As I was looking down at Vanessa's peaceful face, I noticed the bruises along her arms.

How could she still love him after that? Feeling her emotions told me that she still cared for that jerk, Tyler. 

Feeling her emotions told me she was in trouble when Tyler was trying to rape her. I was so glad I got to her house in time, if not I didn't no what I would do. Wait I do, I would have killed him, that's for sure.

But they're something different about that kid. Something I can't put my finger on.

As Vanessa started stirring in my arms, still sound asleep, I knew I couldn't bring her with Kristin and I. it was too dangerous. She would be around to many people that would want to hurt her and I couldn't do that to her. (I can't even believe I asked Kristin if she could go) I was surprised that Kristin even agreed. 

I need to get out of here before Vanessa wakes up. 

I brought Vanessa to her room and laid her on her bed. She was so beautiful while she slept. I said a little longer just to watch her sleep, but after she started to stir, I left. 

Why couldn't I find my mate with my own kind? Why a human? 

As I made my way back to Kristin's house, I had so many thoughts cross my mind and none of them made sense.

"Do you think I'm stupid Daniel?" Kristin yelled.

As soon as I walked right through the door, Kristin was already screaming.

"Um, is that a trick question?"

"You fucking dumb ass! Do you really think that I couldn't see it. Do you think I was that stupid!"

"What are you talking about?"

By this time, she was right in my face. I was trying to act dumb, but she figured it out.

"How could you. I love her and now your going to get her killed because you love her to," her voice was very quite and I could see a tear falling down her face. 

"I knew since the beginning, Daniel. That day when you saved her from falling out of that tree, I could tell you found your mate. As soon as yall touched, I could feel the static from the house."

I was speechless. I remembered that day and I could feel the static again like It was yesterday. As soon as I met her eyes, I knew she was the one. I haven't been with a girl since then. 

"Now I'm going to tell you something you will not want to hear, but I have to tell you the truth. You remember Tristan, right? Well, the reason why you couldn't talk to me anymore was because we knew Vanessa was your mate, and I couldn't see her get hurt, or killed, so Tristan and I made up a plan to keep you away and it worked till now."

My face was beat red by the time she finished what she had to say. I couldn't believe it and I know she wasn't lying. I could she keep me away from the girl I love. How selfish can one be. As I stood in front of her, my hands now in the shape of fist, I asked,"How could you do this to me? You know how my childhood was and you knew how much I wanted to find my mate at an early age so I could feel loved the rest of my life. How could you take that opportunity away from me Kristin?"

I have never cried once in my life but today made a different story. Tears were streaming down my face. Right now, I could still be at Vanessa's side, sleeping right next to her, but instead, I'm hear, crying like a little girl.

"Daniel, you must understand I love her just as much as you do and if you would of brought her into our world at such and early age, she would have gotten killed. You know how the elders hate humans. If they would found out that she was your mate, they would have killed her and I couldn't let that happen."

I never thought about the elders once. Well because I cant stand those bastards. They have so many rules that we have to follow and so many restrictions and if we break just one rule, your going to die. 

"So your telling me, that I can never be with Vanessa?"

"Yes, Daniel and if you don't listen, she's going to die."

"Then why did you agree to let her come with us into the elders country?"

"Because if we're going to find Tristan, then we need her because that's Tristan mate as well."

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2013 ⏰

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