Mum and Dad

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Super duper sorry there's been no previous updates. I've had writer's block for a while. I'm finally getting back on to this! Here's part 8 of Ahsoka and Kanan's​ love lives. Suggested by VmCdReAmEr.

It had been quite a day for the Ghost crew.
They were exhausted from their activities in the day.
Ahsoka was helping Kanan train Ezra with the Force.
Hera was fixing the Ghost with Chopper.
Sabine, Rex and Zeb were training with their​ weapons.
By the end of the day, they were all pretty tired.

They all went to bed early.
Kanan climbed into his bunk and slept soundly.

He was jostled awake by a sudden cry of desperation through the Force.
He quickly scrambled to his feet and went out the door.
He was surprised to see Ahsoka coming into the hall too.
"Was that you?" They asked each other at the same time.
They felt it again and realised it was coming from Ezra.
They opened the cabin door to see Ezra groaning and shaking in his sleep.
Ahsoka and Kanan came forward and climbed on to the bunk.
Kanan softly shook Ezra's shoulder.
"Ezra wake up. It's just a nightmare." 
The boy's​ eyes flew open and he sat up fast.
"Woah Ezra! It's okay, your safe" Kanan coaxed.
Ezra looked at Kanan, terror shinning out of his eyes.
He leapt at him and cried into his shoulder.
"Shhh, it's alright, it was just a nightmare Ezra. Nothing to worry about" Ahsoka said gently patting the teens back.
Ezra drew away, clutching his arms and shaking.
"What happened kid?" Kanan asked.
"You all died, an it was my fault" Ezra whispered.
Ahsoka put an arm round Ezra.
"Anything else?" She asked.
"No, but, Vader killed you all. I was the reason, they used my Force signature to track us down."
He sniffed and leant against Ahsoka.
"You'll be okay Ezra. Think about all the training we did today there's no way the Empire could track us with your Force signature. Ahsoka taught you how to stop that from happening remember?" Kanan told him.
Ezra nodded.
Ahsoka ran her fingers through Ezra's long, raven blue hair.
"We'll be here for you Ezra" she whispered hugging him.
Ezra's breathing evened out.
Ahsoka and Kanan smiled at each other.
The Togruta lay the boy down on the bed, and Kanan pulled a blanket over him.
They were almost out the door when they faintly heard Ezra say.
"Night mum and dad."
They swung round, but Ezra was already out.
They smiled softly at him before leaving.
"Poor kid. He must've been really tired to go to sleep that fast" Ahsoka said as the door slid shut behind them.
"Or to say those words" Kanan agreed.
"He really is a good kid."
"Goodnight Kanan" Ahsoka said kissing his cheek and going off down the hall.
Kanan flushed red.
Once her cabin door closed, he slapped himself in the face.
"Stop blushing Kanan" he told himself.
"Be blimmen mature."
He walked into his room and fell asleep easily.

Now I forced myself to get ideas out of my head so please give me some suggestions for this story!
I've got nothing!

Star-Wars-Dragons out 🐲 

Ahsoka and Kanan Two Jedi with a strong friendshipWhere stories live. Discover now