Kuraki v.s Vegeta

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The wind was calm that afternoon. Kuraki walked out of her bedroom window dressed in armor similar to Vegeta's, only it was pink, black and white. She wears black gloves, shoes, and chest plate, the underparts where white, and everything else was pink. Her hair was in a tight ponytail with a few strands of white hair stick out here and there. She fixes her gloves and lands a few feet away from Vegeta.

"So all I have to do is knock you off your feet huh?" Kuraki asked, crossing her arms over her chest plate. Vegeta nods, scoffing.

"I'll even let you make the first mo-" Vegeta can't finish his sentence because Kuraki nailed him in the face with her boot, send him back three feet, but he didn't fall. He spit out some blood, smirking. "You should've put more power into that." He phased out, repeating behind her trying to go for her legs. She saw this coming, and blocked every move. When he punched her in the chest, she back flipped back onto her hands, kicking him in the jaw with a great force. She growled, getting irritated with him. Vegeta scowled at her.

"This is going no where. So, I'll challenge you." He powers up to super saiyan, causing Kuraki's heart to pick up its pace.

'Super saiyan? Well, I guess I could go for it too.' Kuraki tries to find that inner spark, but it's not there. 'What? What's happening? Why can't I go super saiyan??' She tries once more and her hair flashed yellow before staying white. Kuraki looks at her hands in disbelief. "What's going on? Why can't I-"

"It's because you first transformed out of anger. You never had it fully controlled. So it's gonna take a lot to get it out of you again. And I'm just so willing to beat it out of you." He charged with a shout, startling the female half-breed. He was about to pinch her before phasing out and re-appearing behind her. He snatched her tail and threw her into the sky. She cought herself with a little difficulty and scanned her surroundings. Her icy blue eyes darted left, then right. She doesn't know how to sense energy, so telling where Vegeta would show up would be a challenge.

"Don't lose your focus!!" Vegeta hollered as he roundhouse kicked her square in the side of the head, sending her crashing to the ground. Before she hit the ground, however, she cought herself and landed on her feet. Something popped inside her chest, and she doubled over, her hands propping herself up on her knees. Goten and Trunks were watching from the sidelines.

"Are you okay Kuraki??" Goten asked, taking a step forward. She held out a hand in reply before shooting off towards Vegeta, who remained in the sky. Trunks noticed how her breathing was fast, like she couldn't get any air. He kept that in mind as he walked inside to find his mother.

Kuraki wasn't giving up just yet. She was determined to show her uncle that she was stronger than she looked. Beating Trunks and Goten at the tournament wouldn't cut it. Not for her or Vegeta. She threw a fast punch the Vegeta easily cought. The prince noticed she was slowing down, and she was gasping for breath. There was a light wheezing with each breath.

"Sure you're keeping up with yourself Kogogeta?" Vegeta asked. Kuraki raised an eyebrow at the name he called her.

"Who's...Kogogeta?" She asked, her breath becoming shallow gasps.

"Your saiyan name. I recall Tarble calling you that once. A pathetic man he is. A stain to the saiyan race. And his offspring is even worse." Vegeta replied, disgust in his voice. Kuraki growled lightly and shot a close-rage blast to his leg. That blast turned out to be lethal, not a simple blast just to send him back. She was aiming for his leg, just to throw him off. Well, it worked, and it made a decent sized hole in his leg. She took the opportunity and send a full strength kick to his neck, sending him to the ground. With his leg out of commission, he had no choice not to use that leg. But it's hard to get up without one leg- and it's his dominant leg too. But before he could make another move, Kuraki collapsed onto the ground, coughing and gripping the grass for dear life.

"Kuraki!!" Goten ran as fast as he could to her with the Briefs following him. Kuraki's lips and fingertips were turning blue, and it looked and sounded like she wasn't breathing. Bulma immediately took her inside and hooked her up to a machine. She threw a mask around Kuraki's mouth and nose after filling the tank with abuterol. Connected to the tank was a tube, which was also connected to a smaller machine. She pressed the power button quickly, and the machine started vibrating. As Kuraki struggled to get air in, as she breathed out smoke came from the sides of the mask.

"What's going on with her Bulma?" Goten asked. Bulma shook her head at him.

"You go on home Goten. I'll call your mother later and have her fill you in." She replied, her eyes not leaving her niece. Trunks was sitting beside her as Goten ran out of Capsel Corp and flew home. Vegeta was in the gravity room, obviously satisfied he won, but unsatisfied he didn't get to see her super saiyan power.

"So what's wrong with her mom?" Trunks asked. Bulma sighed, holding Kuraki's left hand in her right.

"This is going to crush her when she finds out... but I believe she has asthma."

I am a terrible author.

I haven't updated in about a month.

I deeply apologize.

But since I gave you guys this, you have to give me something in return (if you want to)

I'd like for you guys to give me reviews.

So far the only comments I've gotten were "update" or "update soon" like demands.

Of course imma update, it's just gonna be a little bit.

I mean I have a life. Everyone does. Trust me, over the summer, since I'm lame and never do anything, I'll be on Wattpad the entire time.

So it'd be really nice to read your opinions about the book, or if you have suggestions you can leave it in a review.

Just one would make my day.

Please? That's all I'm asking for!

BTW my re-made version of There's Light In Fire Natsu has been published. Check it out of you want. I'm working on the second chapter right now.

See ya!!

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