1. The Brand New Supervisor

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*Vanessa's POV

So it's the first time having a job. I am a journalist. I write for reporters. Although, for me, this job is easy as baking.

"Oh come on! There should be better than this!"

"Yes sir." I nodded in reply.

My boss is, bossy! All my articles for him is like nothing! I just wanna destroy that glasses of him. All my paperworks, ballpens, pencils, clips, are scattered. He wanted me to learn my lesson when it comes to writing articles. Do you think I should write something about him? Better not!

All I made was like only 1 article. This job was fun but at the same time hard when the boss comes to manage. That's why there were only few people buying our newspaper and some people watching our news. Do you know why? Our newspaper is all about fake stories while our news is only at midnight and old people report in the news that's why it's so boring. My salary is only 20 dollars a month, because I'm single.

"Hey! I want you to meet our newest supervisor! He might get that low ratings into big, big, BIG! He is extravagant, superb!!" The boss introduced a man who was gonna be a supervisor.  "His name is Bryan! Everyone put a smile on your face whenever you meet Bryan."

I rolled my eyes. Mostly, how could we smile if we keep on working and working?! Stressful to say that, I am stressed!

I could see that Mr. Bryan over there is busy looking at my articles. He kept on nodding like he was interested by the topic.

"Sir, I know why your ratings are low. It's because your newspaper is full of fake stories like 'Lindsay Lohan Accepts Clingy Men Inside Her Penthouse' I mean, she doesn't even own a penthouse! And the news are low ratings because who would watch news with old women and 4 hours of news? Sir you have to renew everything to keep your employees smiling and blooming too."  Bryan said to the boss who was busy calculating everything he said.

Good job sir Bryan. If it wasn't with your charismatic skills, you saved the whole city! Let's give an applause to the Charisma! Yeah.

Everybody stared at sir Bryan. They seem to be impressed, even the boss.

"Well, I couldn't say no to your offer, since you made a news report high ratings. Let's renew everything everybody! Come on! We have a chance!" The boss said then everybody smiled and continued what they were doing. Soon, I'll have back my 95 dollar salary. I love this job!

<< After working >>

"Bye everyone! I need to go now! I have lots and lots to do at home, like chores!" I grabbed my bag and jacket then went on. I brought out my keys and started the car. When I was about to accelerate, there was no more gas. Ugh! Why am I full of bad luck?!

After a few minutes, I saw Sir Bryan coming to rescue. He brought a gas can and refilled my car. He really was helpful and handsome too.

"Uhm, sir Bryan. I'm sorry if I let you cost a lot just for the gas. But thanks sir." I said.

"Well, don't call me sir, we're like the same age. I'm 21 too." He smirked at me. I bit my lower lip because I was nervous.  "Well, it's getting too late, we have to go now."

"Right." I said as I started the engine. "Nice car you're having sir... I mean Bryan?" He just laughed.

"Okay, see you tomorrow." Bryan went inside his car with a smile on his face. As he accelerated, he waved at me. I waved back. I guess, he wasn't that bad at all...

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