+ twenty nine

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+ twenty nine

When Chanyeol showed up with everyone, Nari almost face palmed herself. 

Her plans had been ruined to get Narda's friendship back--or her friendship all to herself more likely. But for Narda and the others, it was just a lovely coincidence. They were happy to see everyone. Only Sehun seemed slightly uncomfortable, keeping his head low so the others like Baekhyun and Chanyeol wouldn't talk to him, since he didn't want his group mates to see him getting cozy with Florencia. He knew that the two older boys would use the opportunity to tell embarrassing stories about him, or tease him mercilessly. With them around, he was more shy to keep up the loving boyfriend act. Especially since it was all just an act. 

As everyone shifted over in an attempt to make room around the table, Nari got up and walked over to Chanyeol. The others watchded with confusion as she grabbed her oppa by the arm and dragged him away, toward the hallway that led down to the bathrooms.

She pushed him up against the wall and looked up at him with a glare. "What the hell, Chanyeol oppa?" She asked him, talking about the whole group that he had invited.

He crinkled up his nose, knowing he had screwed up as he explained to her. "When we were headed out, Jongdae asked where Kyungsoo and I were going, so I panicked and blurted out that we were going to eat barbecue. He asked if he could come since schedules have been hectic since Lu Han hyung left us, and I couldn't say no. Next thing you know, I was inviting everyone." Even he was surprised by the fact that he had been unable to stop himself from telling everyone else. Maybe part of him thought the same as Jongdae. It was too soon since Lu Han had left the group, and they needed a distraction.

"That's fine." Nari huffed out a sigh, her expression softening at his words, and she offered to surrender her place at the table. "You can have the spot next to Guti."

Narda was sitting in between Florencia and Nari, and it wasn't like they could ask Florencia to move so that Chanyeol could sit there. They were jealous of her, but they still held onto their manners. Chanyeol's expression brightened at the thought of getting to sit with Narda and he just about jumped with excitement like a giant--six foot tall--puppy..

The two walked back to the restaurant together, and when they returned, Chanyeol's jaw dropped to see another person there with them. Another person taking the spot next to Narda that belonged to him. It was none other than Daniel Villalpando, Narda's co-worker from the primary school, and someone who Chanyeol and Baekhyun found to be absolutely insufferable. They couldn't stomach him, or anything he said, or even his very presence. Both Narda and Daniel were smiling brightly as he said something to her and she nodded with a smile. Across the table from them were Baek and Taeyeon, Baekhyun glaring daggers at Daniel. Since there were too many people in their group, they were separated into three tables of six people.

At one table were Narda, Daniel, Baekhyun, Taeyeon, Jongdae and one empty seat--which Chanyeol presumed had been saved for him. He already felt entitled to that seat at the table. Everyone had been moved around to accommodate their large group. Florencia had moved to another table to be with Sehun, her sister Acacia, Jongin, Kyungsoo, and the empty seat which he had saved for his Nari. The last table had been taken by Junmyeon, Sarang, Yixing, Mae, Tao, and Minseok. Nari went to Kyungsoo who waved her over, and Chanyeol went to take the last empty seat next to Jongdae, who was sitting next to Narda.

The EXO rapper stood at the table, seeking Jongdae with his eyes, pleading to him to switch places. It took about a minute for him to get the message and he slid out of the booth. Chanyeol slid in next to Guti happily. At least if Daniel was there, sitting with her, Chanyeol was going to ignore him and try to make the best of things.

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