Chapter 30.

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I groan in annoyance when I hear my phone ringing continuously beside my pillow. I just want to throw it against the wall, trust me. But I can't. Because Zayn bought it for me.

I wonder if it's morning yet because who would call me in the middle of night instead of Zayn who calls me at three in the morning sometimes to remind me he loves me. Maybe that would be cliche, but I find it cute. But most of the times, I just want to choke him for waking me up in the middle of my precious sleep.

"Zayn, it's five am, why are you calling me at this time?" I groan, placing my phone against my ear as I almost fall asleep but quickly wake up when I hear his voice.

"Because I find your sleepy voice sexy," he states, making me gasp.

"Are you kidding me, Malik? You just woke me up for that? I'm hanging up-"

"No, no, wait!" I groan for the umpteenth time, as I wait for him to continue. Why can't people see me sleep peacefully?

"I'm waiting for you outside. You have fifteen minutes to get ready." He says, making my eyes shoot open as I try to contemplate what he just said. Am I still asleep or am I hearing things on my own? Or did he actually say that?

"I actually said that, Maire." Zayn chuckles, and I let out a gasp. I WANT TO SLEEP! WHAT'S SO HARD UNDERSTANDING THAT? Wait, what is he even doing here at this time?

"I love you and all, but I love my sleep too. Sweet dreams-"

"Don't hang up on me!" He again stops me in the middle of I, ending his call. I whine, getting up from my lying position as I finally open my eyes and look around my surroundings in amusement. When did I have that poster of a boyband on my wall?

"You always had that," Zayn says, breaking my thoughts when my eyes land on a black bean bag in my room. I never had that! Where am I?

"Zayn, I'm seeing things or maybe I'm somewhere else! Oh my God, whose place is this?!" I begin to freak out, exclaiming on the call.

"What did you see?"

"There's a black bean bag in my room. I never had that!"

"Maire, shut up and go wash your face. You always had those things in your room."

"Oh my God, am I going crazy?!"

"No, you're just sleepy." I blink my eyes many times as I quickly get up from my bed and stare at my surroundings with wide eyes.

Oh, it really is my room. L-O-L.

"Are we going somewhere?" I ask him.

"Yeah, but I'm not telling you where. See you in fifteen minutes." He says before hanging up the call and I throw my phone on the bed as I again whine, wanting to sleep more.

I quickly get done with my morning routine and wear my black jeans, with a red flannel button down shirt and make a quick bun before applying some pink lipgloss, grabbing my phone and sneakily exiting the house.

I find Zayn's car parked outside as I look inside the window to find him dancing in his car with his eyes closed. Dork.

As soon as I reach his car, I knock on the window but due to the loud music bursting through his speakers and his closed eyes, he gets no clue of me standing there and watching his performance. Why is he even so energetic early morning? And then there's me, a sloth in the morning.

I shake my head to myself, chuckling at him before I diall his number on my phone and call him. His phone begins to vibrate on his lap and his eyes quickly open and they land on me. His eyes widen and he stops for a few seconds before unlocking his car and I get inside. He lowers the volume of the speakers and looks at me in embarrassment.

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