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Ashley quickly opened her eyes when she heard her name. Melanie was wide awake and had a smile on her face. Ashley ran straight to her hospital bed and gave her a big hug.

"I can't believe I finally get to meet you!" Ashley said still hugging her. Ashley released the hug and dragged a chair next to the bed so she was close to her.

"How are you feeling?" Ashley asked.
"I'm feeling a lot better knowing that my dad is finally in prison. He was always being a pain in the butt when he came home drunk." Melanie answered.

"I'm glad you never have to see him again. I never knew what it was like to have a parent who abuses me, and I'm glad I don't, but I'm really sorry that you've been going through that for a long time. You don't deserve it." Ashley gave her another hug.
"I'm glad I never have to see him again too, but that means that I have no where to live. I'm not ready to live on my own yet."

"Maybe you could live with me until you are ready?" Ashley then just started daydreaming about what life would be like if they were roommates. She thought about how much fun they would have.

"I have an extra room at my house." Ashley said.
"Don't you live with your parents?"
"Nope. I moved out a few months ago."
"Would it be okay with you?"
"I wouldn't have offered it if I didn't want you to."
"I can be pretty messy, you don't care if I turn your house into an apocalypse?"
"I'll help you clean if up if you need me too."
"Okay then! I'll move in with you!" Melanie said with excitement. She was so happy to finally be away from her dad. She also couldn't wait to move in with the girl if her dreams.

Ashley pulled Melanie into another big hug, and they continued to talk all day long.

Melanie was free from the hospital a few days later. They to take care of a few more things before Melanie was able to stand up and walk again. She went to the front desk to sign stuff before she was free to go.
"Take care of yourself okay? Have a good day!!" Nicole said. Melanie had to get her things from her house before she could leave New York, so the two girls drove to her house before they left the city. They walked inside the house. Melanie ran straight up the stairs to the attic where her bedroom was, packed all her stuff in a suitcase which took like ten minutes, and she was ready to begin a new life in New Jersey.

"I'm ready to go!" Melanie shouted as she started running down the stairs. Ashley seemed to watching the Dingo channel where they rip off a popular web show called iCarly( AN: lol don't judge me but I watch iCarly and Victorious everyday and I'm 14) Ashley smiled as she turned off the TV.

They walked out to Ashley's car, and they drove off to New Jersey. they both couldn't wait to start a new life with each other as roommates. Little did they know, they were slowly falling for each other.

AN: sorry I didn't mean to publish the story yet but I accidentally did. I changed the parts where it said (insert Ashley's hometown here) to New Jersey. I was writing this during lunch time where the wifi has one bar, so I couldn't look it up. Have a good rest of your day dolls.

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