Who Are You?

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GIF Inspiration

A/N: this is my first Supernatural

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A/N: this is my first Supernatural... anything, so go easy on me guys!! ♥️ BTW this one is kinda Dean x Reader.

You stepped down those, oh so familiar, creaky bunker steps. Two bags in hands, one full of beer, the other, burgers. The hunter's special.

You stepped down into the main room, setting the bags down onto the map table, "Hey, Winchesters! Food's arrived!!" you called. Sam and Dean had found you in a tight situation with a pack of werewolves a while back and decided to help you out before it got... hairy.

Dean had taken a liking to you, and persuaded Sam into letting you come with them and let them train you. Now, you'd almost say you're a better hunter than they were... almost. At least third best in the world.

You stepped into the library, seeing them both just standing there, staring at you, "Uh... what?" you chuckled towards the end, "Is there something on my face?" you joked, yet the only reaction you got was Dean dropping his head, and shoving his hands into his jeans.

"We found something, Y/N," Sam starts, "Something about--"

"What are you, Y/N?" Dean abruptly cuts Sam off, "Cause you've been lyin' to us this whole time, and I'm done," he lifts his head, you could see tears brimming his eyes, "So, what are you?" he asks sternly.

You just stood there, blank faced and confused, "What?" you asked, scrunching your nose. Dean took notice of it, you always did that before you got angry, or upset. You'd do it when he got snippy at you, you'd do it when someone got hurt on a hunt, you'd even do it when he would question himself and delve into his depths of self-loath.

"Answer the question," Dean's voice is weary, he's clearly starting to lose control of his emotions, "It's been almost a year, you've been runnin' these lies, and we've believed you!" he raises his voice towards the end, "We took you in, Y/N! We helped you, trained you! And you repaid us with lies every-damn-day!"

"Dean," Sam tries to calm him down.

"No! Sam! Just...," he rubs his face, wiping the forming tears from his eyes.

At this point, your heart was racing, and not in a good way. Your mind was starting to go through every thought of self-doubt you've had about what you're doing, and what you actually are. Tears are forming in your eyes, and it's not long before one starts rolling down your cheek.

"Just read it," Dean finishes his sentence, after trying to hold himself together.

Sam hesitates for a moment, but reaches behind him, grabbing a leather bound journal off of the table, "You have no right to have that!" you exclaim, taking in the sight of your journal in his hands, "Why would you go through my things?" you ask.

Dean scoffs, "Is there something we shouldn't see? 'Cause sweetheart, that just proves I'm right even more," the way he says that endearing nickname he's called you since you've met, it nearly broke your heart in two, "You could've just answered the question. Start reading, Sam."

Sam sighs, but does what his brother orders him to do, "'It's the full moon again,'" Sam gulps down his emotions, then continues, "'I'm scared to tell the boys, I know there's no cure for this. But there is a solution, I have to--'"

"Stop," Dean cuts off Sam's reading. Looking up from the ground, and back to you, "What are you?"

You stand there, stiff from fear, "Please, I was gonna tell you guys...," your voice gives out towards the end of your excuse. You clear your throat a bit, and wipe your tears from your cheeks, "During the... the fight with the werewolves--"

"The werewolves?" Dean's gravelly voice holds the question with such emotion, it makes your stomach flip, "From a year ago? Those werewolves?" you nod. Dean nods a bit, clearly trying to hold in his emotions, "Keep going."

You take in a deep breath, and let it out slowly before continuing, "During the fight, I got bit. I knew it was bad, so I didn't show you guys," you look over to your right shoulder, where the werewolf bit you, "I was scared-- I am scared," you look back to the boys, fear got in your features, "I don't know what to do."

Dean suddenly pulls his hands out of his pockets, and moves quickly over to you. You take a step back, out of fear, but that fear was misplaced. Dean just grabbed your arm and pulled you into him, into his embrace, while wrapping his arms around you. You can feel his chin resting on the top of your head, as his hand rubs up and down your back, "We're here for you, Y/N."

That's the moment when you fell apart. Tears stream down your face, you grip his shirt as you let out all the emotions you've kept pent up inside you for this past year. You're sobs are the only thing you can hear as Dean soothes you while you work through it. Then, you feel the top of your head dampen a bit, and Dean's chest contracts with his diaphragm.

For he's crying too.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2017 ⏰

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