Dropping Chains

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Names, Lukas: Norway, Mathias: Denmark, Synnøve: Lukas' Mom, Berwald: Sweden, Tino: Finland.

      Lukas' face brightened as he pulled a small silver chain from the sand. It was shiny! He rushed off to go show his mother. Swimming past other members of his pod, he found his heavily pregnant mother, with his father. The small indigo tailed boy swam towards them, rubbing against his father's side affectionately he held out the objects he found.

      He gave his mother a piece of purple coral he found, which she accepted with an approving nod and thanks. While he handed his father a piece of green glass that was hidden near the edge of the reef. Lukas felt proud of his findings, as he rubbed his chain between his fingers. The other pups were chasing each other around, not too far from the trio. His mother was closer to them, so Lukas swam to her and hid behind her tail to watch quietly.

      One boy, with a red tail and bright blonde hair; who was chasing a shorter one with a purple tail noticed Lukas. He waved to him, causing Lukas to hide even more. Synnøve, shook her head and moved, grabbing Lukas gently by the shoulders. She nudged him towards the others, not letting him turn back.

      "No, I don't want to," Lukas protested quietly, looking up at his mother with pleading eyes. Shaking her head she managed to get him into what was for now dubbed, the play area. She then went back to her mate, leaving Lukas looking around nervously. The boy from earlier, with the red tail, saw and immediately went to greet him.

      "Hi, I'm Mathias," he said swimming right up to Lukas with a smile, "What's your name?" Not replying, Lukas turned away, drawing his hands to his chest while fidgeting with the chain, "Uh..." He was always a bit shy, not really interested in friends. So he turned away. Mathias was not having this, he was persistent when it came to new friends, "Hey don't be shy! I won't bite!" He tried to swim in front of him.

Lukas swam further away, near the drop off of the reef. Hoping Mathias would get the message. But no. He didn't. The boy just followed him, "I like your chain.. Can I see it?" Pausing, Lukas turned back towards him. "Um... I'm Lukas.. And no, you can only look at it," his voice was firm but a bit quiet. "Nice to meet you Lukas!" Mathias went to press his forehead against Lukas' like he had seen the adults do when greeting; but Lukas backed away from it.

Seeing Mat's confused face he explained, "That's only for friends, not people you just met..."
"Ohh! Sorry," Mat giggled. Lukas rolled his eyes and held his chain towards Mathias to look at. "It's pretty," he said going to touch it, before Lukas pulled away. "I said you can only look at it," Lukas held it close to himself again. Mathias nodded, "Now that we've met, do you want to play with me and my friends?"

The younger of the two glanced over at the 'friends' Mathias was talking about, and was indecisive, "... I don't know.."
"It'll be fun!" Mathias said grabbing Lukas' hand and started to pull him over. The sudden contact startled Lukas as he used his other hand to remove Mathias' hold, unknowingly dropping the chain he was holding. Letting go, Mathias looked at him again, "What's wrong?" The younger just gave him a small glare, nod enjoying the sudden touches and loudness of the other.

Mathias gave Lukas some space, "Sorry if I made you uncomfortable," he had a small frown. Lukas didn't respond, but had a look of shock when he went to rub his chain; and realized it was gone. Frowning, he looked around for it.
"Lukas..? What are you doing?"
"... My chain.." Huffing, Lukas saw that it had already sunk too far below the reef for him to retrieve. "Oh, sorry Lu," Mathias said, looking to where it had fallen.

Rolling his eyes, Lukas swam away, back to his mother and father. Mat watched, looking like a kicked puppy; really hoping he could've befriended Lukas. With a sigh, he swam back to his friends, Berwald and Tino. Tino immediately noticed the other's crestfallen face (Berwald's eyesight making it too hard for him to tell), "Mattie! What's wrong?" The chubbier of the three asked, looking for any scrapes or bruises.

"I tried to make a friend, but I think I accidentally scare him, and caused him to lose his chain," Mathias said in a small ramble. The two nodded, and they both gave Mat some shoulder pats. "You can give him a gift! That's what my mom does when mum is upset," Tino said with a smile.

His face lit up as he nodded, "That's a great idea!" Mathias swam off, his red tail flicking quickly behind him as he looked for something shiny to give Lukas. After awhile he got tired and laid down on a smooth rock. He groaned and rolled over, his eyes now lazily scanning the sand. A small glint quickly caught his attention. Quickly getting up he went over to the object. Moving some sand of the way, he found a silver cross with a clip on it.

Smiling brightly he picked it up and started looking at the pod, trying to find Lukas. It wasn't that hard. Lukas was holding onto his mother's hand, his other hand rubbing her stomach. Synnøve was talking to some other mothers, not minding her son's sudden clinginess. Seeing the adults made Mathias a bit nervous, but didn't stop him. He made his way towards them, clutching the clip tightly. Lukas didn't seem to notice the approaching boy.

Mathias lightly tapped Lukas shoulder, causing him to look with a glare. Noticing, Synnøve looked down. Sighing she gave Lukas a nudge towards the other boy, ignoring his groans. Once Lukas was off her hip and with Mathias, she went back to talking and grooming with the other's. "Um, I know you're upset about losing you're chain so..." Mathias showed the clip, a small blush forming on his cheeks.

Lukas looked at it curiously as Mat continued speaking, "I found you this..." He pushed back some of Lukas' bangs, and putting the clip in. Blushing darkly, Lukas brushed his fingers against t clip, giving a small smile. "Do you like it?" Mat asked, feeling great at seeing the smile. "Yes. Thank you, Mathias," Lukas replied still feeling the clip. Hesitantly, Mathias took his hand and Lukas let him. Mathias explained his friends as he led Lukas by hand towards them. The smile only left Lukas face when being introduced, due to his shyness. But he warmed up quickly to the others, even joining in their games with barely any reluctance.

Synnøve smiled, seeing her son smiling and playing with other pups, and not clinging to her or his father. It's been a good day....

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