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Lukas huffed and pushed Mathias back. They were now almost adults, but the louder of the two never lost his childish spark. Right now, they were currently spying on their two other friends, Berwald and Tino. Mathias whined quietly, "But I want to see too..!"
"Shut up or they'll hear us," Lukas pulled Mat down behind some plants again, keeping them mostly concealed.

Tino and Berwald had been acting strange lately, and Lukas had his suspicions which he told to Mathias, causing the plan that had them huddled together watching the other's. "I think they're thinking about becoming mates..." Mat whispered while peering over Lukas' shoulder. Lukas nodded in agreement, "Tino definitely has been flirting..."

They watched as a red faced Tino shyly pressed a pink shell into Berwald's hands and swam back away from him a bit. Then as Berwald followed him and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Yeah, they must be mates... It's only a matter of time before they tell the rest of the pod," Lukas confirmed and turned away, not wanting to intrude on their private time.

"Well Lu, I guess we're down to a duo now," Mathias said swimming after him.
"What are you talking about?"
"Berwald and Tino will be busy with each other, and being in love. They'll ruin the fun by being sappy," Mat explained with a shrug. "That's dumb. They'll still be our friends, and hang out with us," Lukas scoffed slightly. "Whatever you say Lukas. But you'll see what I'm talking about!" Eventually they made it back to the rest of the pod. The group was taking a couple day break from migrating hunting grounds.

As the two approached, Lukas was pushed back when a fast force crashed into his stomach. "Big Brother you were gone for so long, where were you?" A silver-blonde pup asked, clinging to Lukas' midsection. "Don't worry, Emil. I was just exploring with Mathias," Lukas hugged Emil gently before urging him to let go. When he let go, Emil swam over and lightly punched Mathias in the stomach, "Tell me before you leave," he tried to look serious, but it didn't work well for his round childish face.

Of course it didn't hurt him, since he just laughed, "I will! Sorry Em." The three started to swim closer to the others, while Lukas scolded, "Emil you cannot hit other's..!" Emil just shrugged and held Lukas' hand, "Where's Tino and Berwald?"
"Having alone time, don't bother them. Why don't you go check on mother? I'm sure she needs your help taking care of little Liz."
"Yeah! I'm going to be the best big brother, like you," Emil said letting go and swimming toward the temporary nursery.

Mathias watched Emil go with a smile, "He adores you.." Lukas just shrugged and laid down on the sand, making sure to not disturb any other creatures hiding there. The other joined him and sighed, "I'm never going to get a mate, not if it's going to mess up our friendship!" He smiled at Lukas, his hands folded behind his head. Frowning, Lukas felt a ache in his chest but ignored it and replied, "You don't mean that. You'll get with a nice girl... Or boy, from here or another pod, and you'll realize how much you were exaggerating.." He finished with a slight glare.

"Whatever... Why are you looking at me like that?" Mathias raised an eyebrow. Realizing he was still glaring Lukas huffed, getting up and leaving. "Well geez, what's his problem?" Mathias muttered, watching Lukas swim towards his family, pressing foreheads. Then he looked over when he heard Tino talking. Mathias swam over to them quickly, "So, when were you guys going to tell us that you two are mates?"

Berwald blushed deeply and scowled at Mat, while Tino blushed and stammered over his words, "H-how didn't know? Is it that obvious? We were going to show everyone today! Oh dang!" He spoke a bit quickly. "Mhm, so how long has this been happening?" Mat continued his slight interrogation. Berwald was the one who replied this time, "It's none of your business."
"But it is, since I'm one of your best friends."
"It really hasn't been that long Mathias, it was more of a gradual thing," Tino said, hoping that a fight didn't happen.

"Hm. As long as you guys aren't gross and stuff when we're around each other, then I'm cool with you guys being together," Mathias covered his spite with a teasing grin. "Wasn't really looking for your approval," Berwald muttered, causing Mathias to give him a dirty look, before covering it again. "Well, we're going to go tell the rest of the pod," Tino said, pulling Berwald towards the others, "We'll see you later!"

Mathias groaned. Everyone was leaving! With a sigh he figured he should probably apologize to Lukas. He wasn't sure what he was a politician for, but better not to ask. When he turned to find him, he saw that Lukas was already swimming towards him with a flushed face. Lukas stopped in front of him, holding something in his hand, "Mathias... I'm... I'm sorry." He stated.

It was safe to say, Mathias was shocked, and Lukas continued before h could respond. "Emil helped me make this..." It was a bracelet made of a thin string of some sort, with a small shark tooth tied onto it. Lukas hesitantly tied it around Mat's wrist, his face turning a darker shade of red. "Awe, you didn't have to Luk-" he was cut off. "I'm not finished," Lukas backed up a pace and fiddled with his hair clip while looking down, "I believe I got upset because I was hoping one-day you'd like to..." He mumbled something.

Mathias came closer, "I, Uh, I couldn't hear that that."
"One-day you'd like to be mates with me!" Lukas crossed his arms after saying that a little harshly. Mathias blushed darkly and tried to bite down a smile, "I guess we can't be friends then..." Lukas felt his heart crack a little but he sucked it up and nodded, still not looking up.

Until he felt hands cup his face, "Because I think that's a much better idea!" The other said and or led Lukas' lips. Lukas blushed darkly and mumbled, "You think that's a kiss?" Smirking slightly he pulled Mathias into a real kiss, causing him to laugh a bit and hug him close. "I'm glad you agree," Lukas said after pulling back, rubbing the wrist where Mathias wore the bracelet. "If I'm going to mate with anyone then you'd be my only choice no matter what," Mathias replied, smiling brightly...

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