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I couldn't wait to finally be alone with Bella! I forgave her now that I really know that she wasn't ignoring me. I still feel guilty about it though.

"Hey...... What's going on in that beautiful head of yours?" Bella's sweet voice brought me out of my thoughts. I looked into her eyes and you could see the concern in them. I couldn't disclose the feeling I got at the thought of her worrying about me.

"I'm fine." She gave me a look that meant that she knew I was lying. I could see that she was waiting for me to tell her the truth. The look she was giving me was making it impossible to not give in. I finally caved when she gently stroked my cheek, saying that I could talk to her about anything, that she would always be there to listen to what I have to say.

"Oh alright. I'm just really excited but still kind of nervous about have you here." I ducked my head down in embarrassment at what I just told her. I wonder what she would think of me now.

My head was gently raised by her till our eyes locked. It was only then that I realized that she moved closer.

"There's no reason to feel embarrassed pixie. I'm excited to be here as well but I'm not nervous, would you like to know why that is?" I nodded my head because I really wanted to know why she was excited to. If my heart could beat it would be reaching with anticipation. "I'm excited because I like you. I know this may sound weird but theirs something about you that just makes me feel... I can't really describe it, but it always puts a smile on my face. I'm actually happy that you talked Cha- my dad into letting me stay because now we get the chance to learn more about each other. Besides, there is no reason to be nervous. I don't bite.... Well only if you don't want me to." I followed her tongue as it licked her plump lips hang up my body just wondering how amazing it would feel to have her tongue and lips work on me. "Fuck me...." I whispered to softly for humans to hear.

Like they say, all good things must come to an end. And non other then Emmett's booming laughter had to ruin the mood.

"My lady." Bella helped me out of Rose's car, leading my towards the door like a sweet gentlewoman. Rose let me drive her car saying as Bella asked her to take her bike for her. Of course this led to Emmett pouting among her why she didn't ask him. She just laughed saying that all her cars and bikes were her babies. This would be the first time anyone besides her would be taking it for a ride. That by the way Rosalie's car sounds perfectly tuned and her personality, she knows it was her that took care of it, making her the better choice. With that being said Emmett chose to ride with Edward.

Walking in the house we was greeted by the entire family. Yeah, like that's not creepy in the least.

After interdiction Carlisle stepped forward, succession that he should look Bella over, but once again she declined beyond seen by a doctor. "Bella I think you should let him. For God's sakes, you got hit by a can less than an hour ago!" My family saw her eyes turn gray. Unlike them, I knew that Bella was angry. "You should really stop thinking, it will do the world some good. And I have done told you before, I do not do as you say."

"I'm not doubting that you are not good at what you do Carlisle, I just don't need to be looked at." She finished off a little less aggressive when addressing Carlisle.

I may not like Edward right now but I do think she should get checked out. I placed my hand on her arm getting her attention. As soon as her eyes landed on me her eyes turned back to normal. "Would you please get looked at? It would make me feel better." She Stared into my eyes for a while then smiled. "I have a deal for you. If I agree to let him look at me but only for a concussion. In return you spend the whole day with me tomorrow and let me take you shopping."

"What! You agreed when she asked you but down right refused when I did, why!" I rolled my eyes at his dramatics and nodded my head to Bella causing her to smile.

"Oh, and to answer you question Edward, she asked. Its as simple as that." With that being said I dragged her to my room.

An Angel's Redemption (Bellice) (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now