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 Chapter 1 

Spoilers Ruin Lives.

The rain pounded on my already soaked body.

I looked around everywhere, but didn't seem to spot my mom's car. I mean, it was hard to miss. Bright white, all that jazz.

My jeans and t shirt began sticking to me as I paced up and down the side walk, hoping, fingers crossed, that I wouldn't have to walk home in the pouring rain.

I remember my maths teacher, Miss. Crossby, telling my maths class how excited she was for the storm ahead. She claimed to have seen it on the news, and pulled up the webpage on her laptop. The weather status said it was going to rain when we were about to go home. Of course I didn't believe it, but I suppose I should have believed my crazy maths teacher who was suddenly obsessed with thunder storms.

Gulping, I pulled out my phone and decided to call mom.

The rings seemed to go on for a lifetime when finally it went to voicemail.

I was tempted to record a message, but pressed the home button to stop the call before sliding it back into my pocket.

"Where have you been?" My sister, Joyce, yelled, wetter than I was.

"Whenever I wait you're never there." I tried to defend myself, but there was no use.

She looked like a wet seal, and her friend, Alice, didn't look that good either.

"No! You know we're not gonna leave without you."

The bickering continued as we steadily walked up the path in the pouring rain, with a few interruptions from Alice.

"Jesus," She mumbled.

"Don't get involved." My sister silenced her friend and then continued to shout at me.

"Shut up!" Alice yelled with an annoyed hint to her tone.

"Why don't you shut up?" I insinuated, shivering.

The argument didn't seem to be stopping. We all just kept throwing more fuel to the fire.

"I'm not the one arguing with my sister," She mumbled. She was quite the mumbler.

"Just shut up," Joyce finally threw some water over the flames and the argument died down.

It was okay for her to argue, but when other people started it was totally unacceptable. She was literally just like her dad.

The silence levels rose by the second, which was quite nice after we had got stared at by the last 6 passing people.

Our mom's small white Focus straddled down the narrow school road and indicated towards us. She pulled in and slammed the breaks down.

Alice seemed eager to leave. "Bye..." She said awkwardly.

Alice had a theory that mine and Joyce's parents didn't like her, and therefore she wouldn't be welcome to ride to and from school with us despite the weather conditions. My mother did have a heart and I knew she wasn't going to let Alice walk home in a potential storm, so I opened the rear passenger door and told her to get in.

"I thought you were going to see Amanda today." She replied.

My (step) auntie was in hospital after open heart surgery, as one of her heart valves had an infection in, and could potentially a) kill her, b) pump the infection to the rest of her body and cause another vital organ to become infected, or c) cause all of her fingers to turn purple and fall off.

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