Chapter 5

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"Christina come with me to the bathroom." Amanda looked at me and winked. It was Saturday, and we both had first shift at the tile company we had met at a couple months ago. Amanda, and I had quickly started hanging out daily, she was my new best friend, and I despereatly wanted her to like me. 

"Joe, I have to pee. Be right back" Not waiting for an answer I headed to the back of the store behind Amanda. 

"So what are you and Jason doing tonight?" she continued while diggin in her pocket "I wanted to see if you two, wanted to do something with Adam and I tonight?"

"I think he has plans with Patrick already....what are you doing?"  I watched at she pulled a small pill out of a bag, and started to crush it up on the bathroom counter.

"You are going to love this, it gives you so much engery." dividing the green pill into two lines she quickly snorted one and handed me the straw. "just try it."

"What are they?" I asked taking the straw from her outstretched hand. Leaning over thecounter I started to panic about what I was doing. I dont do drugs I thought to myself. Then I thought about how I wanted to be liked, and this seemed to be the trend. So I went with it.

"Roxys, they are like perks but with no Acetaminophen.  You can snort those without burning your nose" As she said this I bent down and snorted the other line. Imendiatly I started coughing my fool head off.

Amanda handed me some water to settle my fit, and we went back to work. 


The first time you try a drug, its scary. If I would have been thinking I would have listened to my body. With my throwing up, my coughing, and the burning in my nose they were clear signs of rejection. 

I pushed past those taking my body to a level of need, oh this is so fun, until I had to have it to be normal.

Normal gave way to addiction, and addiction is not fun at all. 

Addiction burned a hole through my nose.

Addiction left scars on my hands, and arms.

Addiction left me alone, and on the streets.

Addiction caught me off gaurd and my every thought was not about me, it was about pills. Getting high, getting numb. 

I didn't care what I had to do to feed this addiction, we needed each other.



A/N This story is about to get very vivid, very ugly, and very truthful. I am only putting this warning up because I feel like most of this has been pretty light in comparision to all the things I have done, and need to get out. 

Just saying this story is rated R for good reason. 


PS sorry it was a short update, I just didn't feel like it should start getting super dark..yet.

also no edit.. I have two broken arms cut me some slack. :))


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2012 ⏰

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