The Fish Lady

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(Y/n) has gone through quite a lot of shit. You've done some smart things.... and some not so smart things. But back to the story.


As (y/n) opened the gigantic door, a chilly breeze blew in along with some snow.
"Snow??? How is this possible? I'm  underground right?"
You exclaim.
You slowly trudge out into the snow. As (y/n) walked through the snow, he started getting anxious and scared about where you're going. Yout start thinking im a panic and zone out.

"Am I gonna die? I heard this place was filled with monsters...but i haven't seen anything.." You talk to yourself to calm down. You step over a pretty big stick while you were walking. Then you walk past a hotdog stand.

"A....a hotdog stand? Heh I hope they put on a condiment.."  You laugh at you're own joke.

(Y/n) continues to walk into the underground and comes to a place called "Snowdin" and spots some houses.
"Maybe there are people who can help me!" You say to yourself as you get excited. You walk up to a house and knock on the door.
No response. You knock again a little ticked. Again no response. You bang on the door angry until it opens and what stands before you is far from human. It indeed is a monster. Your eyes get big as dinner plates and the monster says,
"Eh? What is it? Im trying to sleep!"
He takes a hood look at you before saying,

"Y-youre human! If i catch you I'll get a reward!" 

Your body moves on your own and you summon that giant goat head again and this time it fires, releasing a giant cyan laser beam that blew blew up the monster and his house. When it stopped firing there was nothing more than a pile of ash and cinders.
"Uh oh...", you say as you hear snow crunching and shouting. You look around and you see a giant suit of armor walking towards you. It smelled fishy. You joke around a little,
"Hey buddy i think you forgot to take a shower this morning heh heh."
It removes its helmet and you see the face of a
"What the..."
"This is the end human!", She exclaims.
"Nah i don't think so" you snap your finger and the goat head came out and blasted her. But when it stopped the fish was standing and had a shield up.

"Ohh cmonnnn. Where did you even get that?"

She starts summoning blue spears and without her moving a muscle they fly at you with alarming speed.

"Oh boy.."
You dodge them easier than expected.
"Heh step up your game fish lady!"
That enrages her.
"Alright human... now its over!"
She summons a few thousand spears and they come at you from all angles.
You close your eyes and wish you were somewhere else..

Undynes p.o.v
"Now I've got him.."
As she watches you, you disappear in a cyan flash.
"W-what?! Where did he go? DAMNIT!"
She looks around for you.

Now back to you.

You lay somewhere in the woods behind a tree breathing heavy.
"Damn... that took a lot out of me."
You decide to sit there and rest for a while.

Next on this story that i haven't given a name yet. We'll be looking at what frisk is doing. Yeaaaah i made this super long. I hope you enjoy. Stay tuned.

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