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After your fight with the fish lady you teleported in the snowy woods somewhere to rest. You start thinking after you cooled off.

"What am i doing here?" You ask yourself.

Then you remembered your fight with frisk and felt depressed as you sat slumped on a tree.

You sat there for hours, minutes, days? The thoughts you were having consumed you for quite a long time. As you were thinking time slipped by and before you knew it you were sleep.


In your dream

You were aboveground and spending time with Frisk. Cracking jokes and flirting with her. Both of you were having a good day. Frisk wanted to eat in a cafe that she saw so you took her in. When you both were seated Frisk had to go to the "ladies room" so she excused herself.

About 48 minutes passed and Frisk was still in the restroom. You were starting to to worry. After 2 minutes passed you decided to get up and see if she was alright. But the second your butt leaves that seat the world goes dark. It's pitch black and you can't see anything. But then you see two glowing red eyes and an evil sounding girl laugh. The worlds light returned but for your sake you wish it hadn't.

When you could finally see again you looked around and saw that everyone in the cafe was dead and there was blood everywhere. You only saw one person alive..... and it was Frisk, or so you thought. Frisk was covered in blood and had a sharp knife in her hand. Her hair was a lighter brown and it looked like she was crying oil. Her eyes were glowing red too. As she laughed  evilly you could barely believe your eyes. Then as you and Frisk locked eyes with each other your surroundings suddenly change. All of a sudden you were standing in a golden hall with big pillars. You started to panic but calmed yourself down.

"Who are you?" You ask the person thought was Frisk.

"Awww you don't remember me smiley trashbag?" She responded

You start sweating while you try to remember.

"I've never seen you in my life! Who are you?" You ask frustrated.

"Maybe this'll jog you memory."

She pulls out a red scarf that has some dust on it. Your vision gets blurry and you get a rushing headache. You get a vision and you see yourself building a snowpile while a tall skeleton with the red scarf on builds a snow version of himself. The vision ends and somehow your chest is burning with hatred towards the girl that looks like Frisk and tears come down your eyes.

"Who was that? WHO ARE YOU?"
You scream in rage.

"Since you seem to have forgotten I'll remind you. I'm Chara. And that skeleton you saw. Was your brother and I killed him along with everyone you know. Oh and don't I look familiar? I should because I took over your little friend Frisk's body" =].

You don't even take time to process what she said. Your body moves on it's own and you pull out a red heart from her chest you somehow turn it blue and swing it into the ceiling. Chara goes up with the heart. You swing the heart down and make bones come out of the ground at the same time. Then you summon a bunch of goat heads and blast her with them. The heart cracks and explodes and then you wake up.


You wake up im cold sweat. You can hear the crunching of the snow under someones feet and flashlights so you teleport somewhere else. You reflect on the dream you just had.

"It's was so vivid... what was all that?"

You look around at where you teleported and saw that you were in a cozy looking cottage. It smells a lot like spaghetti and ketchup but you ignore it and go upstairs. You go into the first room and realize that it's a bedroom. It has a racecar bed that looks comfy so you jump into it. It's warm and soft so you fall asleep immediately. You don't even hear the front door open....

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