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Its 9 am, half term and I have stayed in bed for as long as the protesting springs will allow. My husband left for work whilst I was still in the land of slumber. Since then I have been joined not by one not by two but by three boisterous and demanding sons.

I put the tv on in an attempt to steel the elusive five more minutes in doing so becoming quite conscious of my naked state as my six-year-old like his father has a rather unhealthy interest in boobies.

Several elbows in the face later I made the choice. Right here goes I'm getting up, have hoe. Ouch my back hurts, an ongoing problem that is agitated when at least two of my six insist I carry them down the stairs. Today I took the leap I decided to join wattpad. Whilst lying in my pit before the madness commenced to full scale war I managed to add the app.

Down the stairs and the breakfast orders are fired off at me. No please no thank you, just the easiness that comes with complete security. If I shout my orders thy minion shall bring.

Here I stand in the kitchen bending with difficulty to retrieve the bread.

Jam on toast id the order of the day. Don't let the title fool you! Oh no, jam on toast in this house means chocolate spread on bread obviously.

The radios on and do you know what? I just heard the best news! I think today is going to be a good day. Nokia have just confirmed they are bringing back the 3310! Now if they could also bring back the care free size 10, seventeen-year-old I was in 97 I would be eternally grateful.

I was about to end this little rant but then the electric went. Its breakfast time I hear you say, it cant be too bad. Ah but I beg to differ because two minutes after the electric went I heard a sound, a sound that brought terror to my heart. Footsteps from upstairs. Not one set but two, omg the tweens are coming! If you though the three boys six and under were hard work you have yet to be introduced to the tweens. Ten and twelve and most frightening of all they are female! A duo of cat fights and tears the tweens are the reason I am grey! mum, why isn't the Wi-Fi working. I look left and I look right yet there is nowhere to hide.

Send help !!!!

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