Chapter 3 - Stage Act

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Note: This chapter takes place during the events of "SpykeCam".
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Everyone exited the classroom with smiles on their faces. Mr.Vandermeer had finished grading our Social Science Reports and everyone got pretty good grades....All but Evan that is.

The Report was on 'The Star Wars Program' not the movie, The National Space Defense System. You can guess what Evan wrote on.

"Not to sound rude, I really like movies too Ev...but you really gotta use your brain sometimes." I ruffled his hair as he was sitting on his chair and staring at the big red 'D' on his paper. He got up with a heavy sigh "Man...! Professor-X is gonna ground me for the rest of my life!" he rubbed the back of his neck as he tried to come up with a plan. "I'm sure he'll understand....somehow. It's your aunt you should be worrying about." Thinking of Storm's rage gave me the shivers. He looked at me unamused. Sarcastically speaking he said "Yeah thanks for that Fleur...Last thing I need to worry about is Aunty O's reaction."

Just at that very moment, Mr.Vandermeer called out to Evan "Mr.Daniels, could we talk for a moment please?"

I placed a hand on Evan's shoulder and gave a little smile in hopes that he would smile back. "That's your queue."

"Yeah...See you at Shop class..." He walked to the teacher's table and began to talk with him. I left the room, but it felt kinda bad to leave Evan by himself so I waited patiently outside the door.

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Evan walked out the door with something in his hand. "Hey Evan, what've you got there??"

"It's a digicam! The teach gave me an extra credit assignment, to document my teen life events with it for a Film report."

"Teen life events? You mean yourcurrent events?"

"Yup." he walked to the open window to test out his teacher's digicam. "Instant rewind, digital zoom.......Hey, I can even see the institute through this thing!" he chuckled "Helloo.. Logan."

"It's not nice to spy on people." I warned him.

"I'm not spying...Just looking.." he walked nearer to the window to catch a closer look at the mansion. Just then he was grabbed by his shirt by someone outside the window. We both were shocked; Evan spiking up his hand and wrist. It was just Kurt (a.k.a Nightcrawler. crawler).

"Evan!" Kurt called out to him.

"Hey don't scare me like that! I almost toothpicked ya!" we looked around to see if anyone saw that.

"Sorry!.." Kurt apologized. "My image inducer's on the fritz. I've got to get back to the institute before someone sees me. That means missing our shop class." as he was speaking, his image inducer glitches again, reverting him back to his human image.

"Hey no prob, I'll catch it on tape for ya." he assured.

Kurt was stoked "Cool!! Then I'm outta here." he said; turning blue again before teleporting away.

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Evan kept playing with the camera. He filmed random stuff---from the line of lockers to the empty hallway, he caught it all. "I dare you to point that at me." I warned.

As we walked down the hall, we stopped by an open locker. On hearing Rogue and Kitty's voices, Evan ducked down to film them. A guy who was posting flyers over the lockers noticed us there. He gave me a puzzled look as he saw Evan hiding and filming in the corner. I just shrugged and smiled sheepishly.

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