Fairytale 8: Alluka x The Prince x Escape

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On her way to the castle, she enjoyed the view outside by peeking out from the window next her. The dusk breeze was rather cold and vaguely she could hear a distance music. The waltz music was slow and relaxing. No need to wait for a second, they soon saw a majestic castle surrounded by glittering lights with some flags on each top of the front fort. There were some people who were just arrived and getting off the carriage. The boys and girls were in glamorous costumes with some of them wore masks-it covered from forehead until upper nose. Alluka arrived and when she's about to get off, someone gave a hand. It's one of the guards. He smiled gently then bowed, allowing her to step inside. With the invitation in her hands, all the guards just let her pass.

"Say, Canary.. It's fancy, isn't it?"

Alluka's eyes sparkling by looking around at the hall before her. It's a great wide hall. The music started and some couples dancing gracefully on the dancefloor of the hall. Alluka was blushing as she felt that most of the eyes were focusing on her. Canary then dragged her to a certain spot where not many people around.

"Want some cookies, Alluka-sama?" Said Canary tilting her head.

Alluka who's still blushing hard shook her head. She's squeezing her gown tight and her heart was throbbing fast. With all those fancy stuff and unknown people, she's so nervous that couldn't even release a single word. Soon, she heard claps and when she lifted her head to see what's happening, she saw someone who's standing straight at the top of the stairs.

"It's the prince.." Said a girl near her.

"It's Illumi-ouji.." Said the other.

The girls squealing as prince Illumi stepping down the stairs and entering the dancefloor. He walked around scanning all the guests and stopped at Alluka at once. His face was flat with no expression. His black eyes were locking at her then he came closer to her. Some of the girls envied and some squealed by seeing Illumi and Alluka together.

"May I have this dance?" Asked Illumi by outstretched his hand toward her.

Canary nodded lightly as Alluka glanced at her. She took Illumi's hand and they walked onto the dancefloor.

"Does she know how to dance?" Canary muttered with a sweat dropped on her face.

The view explained it. Once the music flew softly, Illumi led the move and Alluka following it naturally.

"May I know why are you here?" Asked Illumi.

"I was asked by Kikyo-san to come.." Said Alluka innocently, "I'm here for Kalluto.." She smiled.

"Oh, I see.." Said Illumi flatly, "then it must be fate.." He stopped, "you're here to die.." He raised his hand, "kill her!"

Some guards came in and they pointed their swords at Alluka in unison. Canary gave a sign to Alluka to run and she ran to the upstairs as Canary joined her. The guards following her together with Illumi. The ball was a mess and most of the participants left. In all sudden, the clown appeared before Alluka and Canary who were cornered by the guards.

He winked, "Didn't I say that it will be interesting?"

"Hisoka, why didn't you kill her at that time? Why did you let her free?" Illumi glared at the clown.

"I just thought that it's interesting.." Hisoka released a creepy smile.

"Why do you want to get rid of her!?" Canary shouted.

Illumi gave a deathly glare at her, "it because she's___"

Before he could finish his words, someone dragged Alluka and Canary then running out of the castle fast.

(HunterxHunter) My Fairytale ~ Alluka In WonderlandWhere stories live. Discover now