Fairytale 9: Alluka x Nanika x The Coin Game

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They ran as far as they could into the forest.

"I think it's far enough and they won't get us here.." Said Canary.

"Tha.. Thank you.." Alluka fell on the ground and panting hard, "that was close.. Once again thank___"

Alluka startled by the one who saved her just now. She had long black hair with a pale face. Her eyes were pitch black with a weird smiling face. Did she wear a mask? Alluka staring at her for minutes. For some reason, she felt a familiar feeling by seeing her. She's suppose to be close, closer than anyone else. The girl before her didn't talk a lot and just dragging her deep into the forest. Even Canary couldn't take a move and just following them. They went deeper and deeper wrapped in darkness of the night. All they heard was just the branches and leaves which releasing a creepy sound because of the wind.

"Where are we going uuh..."

"Nanika.." Answered the girl flatly.

That was the only word she said as they arrived at a certain spot. Their torch was just the moon above them. There's nothing around them but trees and an uneasy atmosphere.

"That way.." Said Nanika shortly by pointing at a certain direction.

She dragged Alluka once again, following the path. Soon, there's a light appeared in the distance. They ran faster to it and as they arrived, they saw a cookies and candy house. The nice smell tickling their nose that their legs moved automatically came closer to it. Their stomachs were rumbling and it might be ok for just a bite; they grinned ear to ear at each other, while Canary could only facepalm seeing them. Their personalities looked alike or might be a bit different yet they had a same figures and hair style. Before they could touch the house, someone appeared behind the door in sudden.

"Hello, there.." Said the tall man.

"Gotoh-san!?" Alluka startled, "we're sorry.. We didn't mean to__" she panicked.

Welcomed with a warm smile, Gotoh let them to come in and he served them some hot chocolate milk.

"Is this your house?" Canary started the conversation.

"Yes.." Said Gotoh by adjusting his spectacles, "and may I know what are you doing here at this hour?"

"Some people chased us so we're here to hide from them.." Said Alluka.

"I see.. So, have you found the white rabbit?"

"No.. Not yet.." Said Alluka desperately.

"Well, since you're here I don't have a choice but to tell you where should you go to find him.." Gotoh took something from his pocket, "..with this.." He showed them a small gold coin, "try to guess where's the coin.. If you win I will tell you.."

Gotoh started to flip the coin and his hands moved fast to catch it. Alluka and Canary couldn't follow his move and they just guessed randomly.

Alluka gulped, "it's in the right hand.."

Gotoh opened his right hand and fortunately, the coin was there. It's just a coincidence, though. He flipped the coin again and this time his hands moved faster than before.

Alluka stared at Gotoh's hands sharply, "umm.. It's.. In the left hand.."

Gotoh opened his hands and unfortunately, she's wrong this time. Alluka threw her head down sadly. Her eyes were glittering in tears.

"Don't cry.. Follow me.." Said Gotoh by walking to the door.

They're following him while Alluka was still sobbing silently in Nanika's hug. She felt that everything's over.

"From this point, just walk on this path.. Go straight ahead until you saw a pink flowerbed.. Just pass it.."

He then left them at the entrance of the forest. Alluka, Nanika and Canary looked at one another in confusion.

"Why did you tell me?"

"It because.. You're his precious treasure.. You're the dearest girl of him.." Gotoh disappeared slowly in the darkness.

(HunterxHunter) My Fairytale ~ Alluka In WonderlandWhere stories live. Discover now