...........(yet another epic title)

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Hey guys Kittycat here and I wanna say sorry that this chapter might come out a little late but im trying my best (to block out the screams, but there haunting me in my dreams, please break my shackles I want it to stop............I have no Idea why I just wrote that.......).........yea.......enjoy dis chapter (also this story doesn't take place in minecraft and doesn't take place in the real world, it takes place kinda in between)


Sky's P.O.V

 As soon  as I was in the new dimension I could clearly hear Jerome and Mitch laughing on the other side of the portal, but the voices were muffled. "I Hate You Both So Much!" I shouted back at them, but all they did was start laughing harder.

Suddenly I felt something wrap around my ankle I looked down just in time to see a squid tentacle and then everything went dark.

Mitch's P.O.V

Me and Jerome left the portal. Why? because fuck Sky he killed both of us like 20 times! Mai god! We just kept playing until Jerome won and the game ended. "Oh well, good game guys" "you too". "Hey were's Sky?" Husky asked us. "I dont know the last place we sa-" "I FUCKING HATE YOU GUYS!" I couldn't help but laugh at how angry he sounded "n-never mind we f-found him" i said while laughing so hard I nearly fell over. "I AM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU GUYS!" He shouted at us, for some reason I froze, something felt wrong.

The way Sky said he was gunna kill us......it sounded like he meant it, not like a friend would say and then forget but like someone who really meant it. I looked over at Jerome, he didn't seem to notice anything, though he still looked pissed about Sky killing him. I guess he can hold a grudge for a while.

I'm guessing the other guys figured that something was wrong because they quickly did the outro and ended there recordings. "I guess we should all go home, where's Ty-" And then the entire map blew up. "TY!" We all screamed and all we heard was a laugh and a voice shouting I don't consent to searches, before we died and respawned.


Sorry about this being a short chapter, some stuff has been going on and I haven't been able to write in a while. I thought I might as well update now.

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