Chapter Title = too much work

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Hey guys Its Kittycat and welcome to another chapter of Taking control!

Hope you enjoy


Ty's P.O.V

Me and Jason finally got back home. Damn that took forever, but maybe now we could all do something together.

"So what do you wanna do with Sky, Jerome, and Mitch?" I asked Jason

"Maybe make a video show them our faces or something? the fans seem to really like it."

I smiled "They don't like your face, they just love mah hair" I said flipping my hair dramtically at Jason. Hitting him in the face with it.

Jason laughed at bit at what I said as we opened the door to go inside. It was almost comepletly dark inside, there was only one light in the kitchen that was flickering.

"Sky! Jerome! Mitch! we're back!" I called out as we walk inside.

The door slammed shut behind us, and the only light in the house went out. It was perfectly silent for a few seconds before I heard Jason scream, and the lights turned on.

But Jason was gone. 

I heard a noise upstairs, it sounded like someone was calling my name, I gulped.

I walked upstairs, shaking slightly in fear. "Sky? Jerome?" I said quickly as I walked towards Jerome's room. The door to Jerome's room was hanging off its hinges, as though something had broken it down. I looked inside the room and gasped.

The room was covered in blood. I could only stand and stare in horror as a strange feeling began to wash over me. I felt like I was being watched, But I took no notice to this until I heard heavy breathing behind me. My heart started beating faster and my breathing got thicker. Don't turn around, Don't turn around, Don't turn around.

I turned around and screamed in horror.


Yes I know its a short chapter. I'll try to make the next one longer. I have to go for now later Troublemakers <3

p.s. Sorry if i start to update a little slower, I have some computer problems

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