#2 The BAFTA After Party

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AN: Just a little imagine I thought of as I was watching Tom's story on Instagram of the night after he'd won the award.

I'm so proud of that little cupcake, he truly deserves everything best in the world

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I'm so proud of that little cupcake, he truly deserves everything best in the world. For now, I'm done hyperventilating though, enjoy the story you guys x


You were sitting by a table at the BAFTA after party. Like always, you tagged along with Harrison to every possible party and event they would let you. I guess the Tom liked having you close. Just like Harrison, he needed you to keep him grounded. You didn't mind one bit, as over the years you've enjoyed travelling and partying with Tom especially since his career hit off. Getting to go to Atlanta and visit the set for Infinity War was purely amazing.

Although usually you have a great deal of fun on these parties, today you were not feeling it at all. For some reason you declined when Tom asked you to dance so he abandoned you completely and took over the dance floor with Harrison, his mom and brother. They were really having the time of their life. As the night went on, you watched from a distance how Tom seemed to be talking, dancing and flirting with every girl on the dance floor. It never occurred to you before how smooth he was when it came to women, especially since you never had time like this, to just observe him like this. Suddenly it hit you, you think to yourself, looking down at your drink. 'Am I getting feelings for Tom?' you question yourself. 'I can't be, I just can't!' you scold yourself in your mind.

You sat at the table another half an hour, completely oblivious to the world, deep in your own thoughts, contemplating the possibilities of having Tom as a boyfriend. As you were imagining how amazing he'd be, taking care of you, taking you to premieres, being literally the best, a hand on your shoulder pulls you out of dream land, startling you badly.

"Hey you alright? You look like you're about to fall asleep!" Tom shouts at you, trying to be louder than the booming music. He kneeled besides your chair, putting one of his hands on your knee for support. You couldn't help but blush at how close he was, considering all the things you were just imagining.

"Yeah I'm fine!" You shout back, giving Tom a faint smile and turning away to try and hide your rosy cheeks. Moments later the music was turned from an upbeat loud type to a super slow, gentle type. The dance floor almost immediately changed from a mess of dancing bodies to couples slow dancing. My cheeks turned a shade of beetroot at the thought of slow dancing with Tom.

"Hey... You wanna...?" You hear him trail off so you look at his face in confusion. All you see is Tom, staring at the dance floor, wriggling his eyebrows with a smirky smile on his face.

"Are you asking me to dance, Holland?" you say, instantly getting some confidence back, smirking too. Tom stood up, extended his arm and bowed his head.

"Yes, milady" He said, in the worst, over exaggerated posh British accent, earning a giggle.

"I thought you'd never ask!" I answered.

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