#4 On Set Reunion

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AN: So this one I'll write in first person, just so you guys can choose which one's better!  

AN: So this one I'll write in first person, just so you guys can choose which one's better!  

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*Y/N P.O.V*

Today, like any other, was just a normal day on set. Me, Seb and Evans were standing around before the first scene of the day. They were already in their full suits and I was there making them recall their lines.

Working for Marvel as a part of the crew creating Captain America: Civil War has its' ups and downs. I mean sure, I get to work with people like Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan, but it's a lot of hard work; they're basically thirty year old children. And with the addition of some of the Avengers, Black Panther and Ant-Man the start was ridiculous to coordinate. Now that we're further into the shoot things are running much smoother.

Also how could I forget, today is extra exciting as Sony and Marvel have chosen the new Spider-Man. 'Aren't we meant to find out today? I start trailing off in my thoughts, forgetting to actually listen to Chris reciting his part. I've been terrible with getting involved in the casting so I didn't even know who they were choosing between.

"Hey it's nice to meet you guys!" I hear from behind me.

That voice sounds somewhat familiar to me, although I haven't heard it in so long. "Tommy?" I whisper under my breath as I turn around. As soon as I saw the similar brown eyes and gorgeous smile a wild grin formed on my face. He really hasn't changed a bit. Still that adorable little smile lighting up his face, with the brown locks framing the corners of his forehead. He was wearing sweatpants and a pretty tightly fitting shirt. He barely changed a thing. What was it,  like eight or ten years ago I had to move out? Our eyes locked. I started walking towards him across the set.

"Y/N Is that you?" He blurted out, beaming from ear to ear. He dropped the duffel bag he was carrying, maybe from shock, maybe he was signalizing for me to jump into his arms.

I knew exactly what to do. In no time, I was jumping into his arms. We started spinning around, like every cliche romantic movie. With my hands around his neck, I rested my face in the nape of his neck. His hands were gripping my waist tightly. God I've missed this, Tom gives the best hugs.

"I've not seen you in FOREVER!" I exclaim excitedly, as I pull away to look at his face. "Where have you been you dweeb?" I say, pinching his cheeks.

He flashes a smile, showing off his perfect teeth. "Uhh.. I've been looking around for you. You're the one who abandoned me!" he shouted at me jokingly.

"It's not like I had a choice!" I said, mocking his amazing British accent pretty badly on purpose. Not my fault my mom had to make a move to USA cause of her dumb work. I was still clinging on to his neck, just admiring his pretty smile when I realized, he was still holding onto me tight. And we were still standing in the middle of the set. We had a whole crowd of confused superheros standing around and staring at me in Tom's arms, just talking casually.

We must be a weird site for the cast and crew, considering they have no idea me and Tom used to go to school together when we were younger.

"You can let go of me now Tom" I say, looking down and blushing just a little.

"What if I don't want to?" He said, almost smirking. Unwillingly he let go and I unwrapped my legs off his torso. All of a sudden I realized. "Wait, Tom, why are you even here?"

"You're talking to THE Spider-Man young lady, show some respect." RDJ sassed, walking towards the group.

"Nice to meet you pal."

"you too man" Tom replied to RDJ quickly, shaking his hand.

"WHAT? You're Spider-Man? Oh my gosh Tommy that's amazing!!" I say grabbing the collar of his shirt and shaking him around. "Care to explain how you guys know each other?" I hear Chris' confused voice behind me. "What's up with you and sling-boy eh?"

"I'm so sorry Chris, but I think you've got filming to do" I smirk. "I'll leave it to your wild imagination." I stated and started to walk backwards, grabbing Tom by his hand and dragging him away to show him around.


AN: I feel like that made no sense, but I want to keep publishing pretty often to try and keep this book up. Hope you enjoyed. ☺️ requests open x

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