Chapter Thirteen

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Shadeflower was the first to run over to Featherlight, fear stinging her pelt and her eyes. Stonestar followed.

"Slow down, tell us what happened."

"There's no time! We need it save him!" She wailed in despair. Aspenberry and Shimmerpaw were already out of the den.

"Take us to him." Shimmerpaw meowed. Featherlight nodded and she spun around and Shadeflower followed, trying to control her speed so she could follow behind Featherlight. No...not Badgerclaw. Please don't be dead Badgerclaw... please. They reached the ThunderClan border and there lay the black and white tom. He was on his side, unmoving with a pool of blood spilling out of his stomach which was slashed. Shadeflower was the first at his side.

"Nooo!" Shadeflower wailed, burying her nose in his fur. "Badgerclaw! Wake up, please! You have to wake up! Fernpaw is Fernfeather now!! Please!!!" She kept wailing. Aspenberry padded over and she felt for a pulse.


"No!!!" Shadeflower wailed.

"Shadeflower...he's gone to hunt with StarClan. Oh I'm so sorry." Aspenberry meowed softly. Featherlight collapsed with her own cries.

"Oh Shadeflower I'm so sorry! I tried to get back as fast as I could! I'm so sorry!" Featherlight meowed in anguish. Shadeflower let out another wail. She knew he was dead, but she couldn't accept it.

"Shadeflower. We have to carry him back to camp." Stonestar meowed softly. She didn't want to face the fact that he was gone. She didn't get up. Aspenberry nudged her.

"It's okay, let's get him back to camp." Aspenberry said softly and sweetly. Shadeflower stood up on shaky legs. Shadeflower carried him on her back the whole way back to camp. ThunderClan will pay for what they have done. The camp was in shock at the sight of Badgerclaw's body. Shadeflower  laid him down. Oakbriar gasped and ran over to him.

"No!" She meowed. The whole clan was shaken up. Shadeflower rubbed against her sister. Featherlight was especially shaken up. It was clear she blamed herself for his death.

"How could ThunderClan do this?!" Sparrowflight gasped.

"Those foxhearts!" Echofoot hissed.

"They will pay for this!" Graywhisker growled.

"We must attack!" Dustclaw hissed as well.

"Yeah!" Ravenfeather agreed.

"They can't get away with this!" Darkpelt hissed.

"Silence!" Stonestar yowled. "Before we plan our retailiation, we must pay our respects to Badgerclaw." Shadeflower nodded. He deserved that. The clan nodded.

"Who will be the new Deputy? It's almost moonhigh." Mudpelt asked. The clan looked at the tom. Stonestar called a clan meeting.

"I say these words before StarClan, so that Badgerclaw may hear and approve of my choice. The new deputy of ShadowClan is Shadeflower in honor of the loss of her father." Shadeflower was suprised.

"Shadeflower! Shadeflower!" The clan cheered. Shadeflower smiled and sort of shied away from the attention she was getting. She looked back at Badgerclaw who Aspenberry and Shimmerpaw were preparing for burial.

"Congratulations, Shadeflower." Stormfall meowed. "I'm so sorry you had to lose him, I know how much he meant to you."

"I will avenge him, Stormfall" She meowed and she dipped her head sadly.

"Badgerclaw would be glad to have you take his place." Oakbriar meowed. "I'm glad too, you deserve to be deputy." She meowed and she licked her cheek.

"Thank you, Oakbriar."

"Oh Shadeflower! I'm so sorry!" Featherlight meowed. "I should have ran faster, I should have...I.."

"It isn't your fault, Featherlight. It's ThunderClan's." Shadeflower meowed. "I don't blame you." Featherlight nodded.

"Congratulations." Stormheart meowed. Briarkit, Cinderkit, and Smokekit walked over. They pounded on Oakbriar's tail. Shadeflower went over to Stonestar.

"We have to attack now, while it's night. They will never expect it coming." Shadeflower meowed, narrowing her eyes. "We hunt and fight best in the dark. We will have the advantage." Stonestar nodded.

"I agree. They will never expect it at night." He looked around the clan, eager to know the situation.

"We still have to bury him!" Aspenberry spoke up.

"We will, after the battle." Shadeflower meowed, unsheathing her claws. "We attack tonight!" The clan nodded and cheered.

"You can lead the battle patrol, Shadeflower." Stonestar nodded in her direction.

"Thank you Stonestar."

"You deserve it." She nodded.

"Okay! Graywhisker, Echofoot, Pinetail, Ravenfeather, Featherlight, Crowpelt, Mudpelt, Rowanpetal, Stormheart, Adderstrike, Fernfeather and Jayspirit. You will be in the battle patrol with me. It is time to make ThunderClan pay for what they have done!" Shadeflower announced.

"Yeah! Let's go!" Graywhisker meowed. Shadeflower nodded and she turned around and left the camp, her warriors following her loyally. She and them stalked through the darkness silently and sneakily. They made it to the border and Shadeflower's  hackles raised.

"Remember to be silent and move like shadows." Shadeflower meowed softly. They all nodded as they crossed the border. Shadeflower easily found the ThunderClan camp by her heightened sense of smell. They slowly filed into the camp.

"ShadowClan, attack!" Shadeflower  yowled and then the fighting broke out. Shadeflower saw flashes of red as her claws unsheathed. ThunderClan was completely taken by suprise. Shadeflower  shoved a full grown warrior the ground, hissing and spitting. She slashed the cats muzzle, and the cat yowled in pain. She struggled to stand up, but Shadeflower held the tortishell she cat done. She recognized her as Dappleflight. Shadeflower bit her back leg.

Stormfall was battling the deputy, Honeystorm. He backed her into a corner and slashed at her shoulder. Echofoot and Pinetail were battling side by side against a senior warrior. Mudpelt was defending himself against a tabby's claws. Shadeflower narrowed her eyes on Flowerstar. She lept at the shecat wth an immense amount of strength.

"This is for Badgerclaw!" She yowled as she sunk her teeth into the shecat throat. Blood squirted and Flowerstar clawed Shadeflower shoulders, but she didn't let go, she only sunk her teeth in deeper until Flowerstar stopped moving, and the fighting stopped and Shadeflower realized she had just taken a life away from the leader.

"This battle was unjust! " Honeystorm yowled. "You have no right to attack us in our own dens!"

"You have no right to murder our deputy in cold blood!" Adderstrike hissed. "You are the unjust ones!"

"We did no such thing!"

"You fox hearted liars!"

"Stop!" Flowerstar stood up. "There will be no more fighting tonight!" Flowerstar hissed. Shadeflower narrowed her eyes. "Take your wounded and leave, Shadeflower. StarClan will judge you for what you've done." Shadeflower narrowed her eyes. She had justice. She would be fine. She signaled with her tail for her warriors to follow her home. She had her revenge, but the hole in her heart was still there.

(Warriors) 🌹Flower In The Shadows🌹 Volume I: ✳Dark Seeds✳Where stories live. Discover now