Chapter 6

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"It's okay, i've got it." He said softly through the door.

He moved the chairs which were jamming the door and it clicked open. Crying, I ran towards him.

"I really did believe I was going to die in there." I said.

Lily limped over, her leg looked even worse in the light from the next corridor. She looked down at her bloody leg and screamed, I hugged her.

"It's Lily and Emily from last night?" Asked Louis, a small smile on his lips. Lily in reply, gave him a weak smile, while I ignored Louis' comment -I didn't want to think about last night.

"Its okay Lily, we will find first aid soon." I whispered softly into her hair. I looked at Louis, he had a cut on his head and his top was ripped, but there was no time to ask what happened, as the ship began to groan again. all the lighting suddenly flickered and turned off. I felt around in the dark for Louis's and Lily's hands and squeezed them. We started to make our way through the pitch black corridor wading through more and more water. You could hear it everywhere, the sound of water slowly flowing in, the low buzz of the broken lights and hiss of electricity.

Water and electricity- dangerous pair..

As we made our way through we heard screaming from other passengers and crying.

"Please someone help me!" cried out an elderly lady in sheer pain. Her pretty yellow dress was ruined and her red lipstick was smudged around her face.

"It's okay Madam, I'm coming to help you." I whispered into the dark.

"I'm in the left far corner, trapped under a table."

I stared to feel my way along the wall to the elderly lady. Sure enough, she was trapped under a large table.

"Louis, I need your help!" I shouted down the corridor. The old lady flinched at the sharpness of my voice.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scared you." I said much quieter. She smiled.

"I'm coming!" yelled back Louis.

Both of us managed to move the table from on top of her, without her getting any injures.

"Success!" laughed Louis. That's one of the beautiful things about Louis he can always make you laugh, even when you're in the mood to cry your eyes out.

After helping the lady, the four of us made our way to the main floor.

"The perks of being on the bottom floor." muttered Lily under her breath.


We finally got to the main floor. Hundreds of people were crammed into the room , people were crying and hugged loved ones, some were bleeding and some were just looking in space their eyes tearful. We entered with Louis Tomlinson, usually people would go mad. But people looked at us blankly. The captain of the ship was standing on the stage. He ordered for quiet. Everyone went silent.

"Now we have been hit by a large wave. We are sending rescue boats and planes. You all need to get out as soon as possible, not enough time to bring belonging or any thing but yourselves. I do not wish to scare anybody but you need to know what is going to happen if we don't get out. The ship is already tilting to the left and it will fall soon and sink to the bottom,"

Cries and yells came back from the crown, but he continued.

"This wave could not be avoided and we promise you we tried the very best, but it just came without a warning. Please stay calm until rescue comes and do not leave this room." He said.

"Stay calm, STAY CALM!" roared the angry people. He left the stage without another word.

Louis caught sight of Zayn ,Liam and Niall in a corner. He ran over and hugged them, they were crying.

I watched Louis go and went to get first aid for Lily. Soon I saw Louis starting to cry and left Lily with first aid and ran over to him.

"Louis what has happened?" I asked, starting to panic.

"It's Harry, we can't find him." cired Louis.

There wasn't time to think , I was going to find him.

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