Meta-Crisis: Christmas invasion (Also a long chapter)

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  ....Even though I was not there with The Doctor and Rose on adventures...I had these dreams where it felt like I was there. When in reality I was not there. I wasn't there physically. Another part of me saw them as different  lives that had been lived. My previous lives. Alll of them were me. But how can it be possible? They didn't remember this big adventure we had.

    ...A part of me believed these dreams really did happen not figments of imagination...

  The Doctor and Rose returned to Powell Estate. Mickey and Jackie Tyler heard the TARDIS then they both ran outside the building where The  TARDIS was mentalizing. Jackie Tyler had a big laundry basket that is empty. Mickey rubs his jaw.

   'Were you doing the laundry?'  Mickey asks.

   'Rose doesn't always do her laundry.' Jackie Tyler said, seeing a confused reaction from him. ''Even though Rose is responsible. I know her as a caring girl who does forget to do things, but not extremely important woman duties.'

   Mickey waves his hand back and forth.

 'I get it.'  Mickey  said, pushing out the last comment Jackie Tyler had made.

  The TARDIS becomes solid.

  'We are back!' Rose comes out The TARDIS pretty happy. 'Good to see you again, Mickey!'

   Rose hugs Mickey as the Doctor comes out.

  " 'cuse me,coming through."  Jackie goes right past the Doctor into the TARDIS while holding the laundry basket

  The Doctor looks back inside.

 ''Do not touch any buttons!' The Doctor shouts off to Jackie Tyler.

 'Hmpphh, so you hardly dust off the inside.' Jackie Tyler did not ask or shout, just pointing it out.

 The Doctor and Rose laugh,  taking it as  Jackie Tyler's one of a kind comments.

'Me and my friends will have the best time cleaning a time machine!' Jackie Tyler adds.

 'Didn't a man come with you?' Mickey feels as though he is forgetting some one.

  Rose shook her head.

 'No.' Rose said. 'We had Jack on and off our adventures. Didn't have a third man.'

  The Doctor shouts off to Jackie, 'I will be there to make sure you don't do some jiggery Pokery with the old girl!'

   Mickey looks towards Rose, with a "Does he always do this?" face.

 "Yes." Rose said, easily reading her ex-boyfriend's face.

    Suddenly a ray came out and sliced off The Doctor's left hand.

  'Doctor!' Rose gasps. 'Your hand!'

   Mickey faints.

    'Getting to it.' He grabs his wrist, focusing his regeneration energy on remaking a hand. An excess of regeneration energy flies through the atmosphere, goes behind the moon and is sucked into a round hole part of a big gigantic rock with some spaceship qualities. That is the ship. The ship which may get destroyed.

  Rose is asking questions, scared.

  'Can not focus with you asking too many questions.'  The Doctor tells Rose.

 His hand regenerates as Golden clouds and twirls of light  forms around a solid material making itself look so different. It eventually gains shape, color, and the five fingers a humaniod would usually have. The sleeve of his leather jacket had been torn off by this unexplainable laser blast. They just got back from a trip, and Jackie had returned from the TARDIS with a heapful of dirty clothes Rose had 'forgotten' to put into the washer and dryer. Mickey had been promised to be given a pet.

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