Chapter 5 - Legendary Titans

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Sam arrived home looking tired. Both Sophie and Lok tried to help him but he dismissed them. He went up stairs to practice the new powers he had learn while he was training, and didn't want them to know about it.

When he got to his room he closed the door and pushed the large wooden deck in front so they couldn't interrupt him. He the pulled the curtains and sat down on the bed. He began to think about Casterwill's 3 legendary Titans; Behemoth, Tao and Araknos. He took a folded up piece of paper from his picked and unfolded it. He began to chant the spell written on it, softly at first and then got louder. A bang came from the door, "are you okay?" Sophie called in. Sam ignored her and continued his chant. He felt a flow of power pass through him and he knew it was completed, the legendary Titans had returned to Earth. And only he knew about them.

He moved the deck from the door and walked down stairs. He went into the kitchen where Lok was stood. "Can you tell me everything you know about the 3 legendary Titans please" he asked Lok. Lok looked surprised. "Yes" he said, leading the way "let's take a seat and I'll begin".

After many hours of talking, Sam felt he had a good idea where the legendary Titans were hidden. He also knew that he needed to find the ancient amulet of will, so he could remove them from their resting place. "Can you take me to Atlantis?" Sam asked. "Of course" Lok said, "I'll get us some transport". Lok stood up and picked up his holotome. He began typing away, asking the Huntik foundation for one of their shuttles to take them to Atlantis. Sam went back upstairs but into Lok's room this time. He searched through the draws until he found what he was looking for - the puzzle he found that his father left for him.

~Sometime later~

They looked out at the underwater city of Atlantis. Lok lead the way, Sophie and Sam followed. They swum into the large bubble that protected Atlantis. However, they were about 70 meters in the air. "Feather drop" Sam and Lok shouted. Sophie landed in Lok's arms. "Caught you this time" he said and they both laughed. Lok and Sophie lead the way to the large building in the middle. The ghostly gate keeper recognised them. "Ah Lok lambert and Sophie Casterwill, good to see you again" he said. "Hello" they both said, "can we go in?" Lok continued. "Yes of course" the gate keeper said, snapping his fingers and removing the barrier. The trio walked through into the large chamber. Sam reached into his bag and pulled out the puzzle. Handing it to Lok he said "I thought we might need this". Lok took it and put it the section where it fitted. He turned it and unlocked the puzzle. The amulet of will floated out on a beam of light, just like last time. Lok and Sophie stood there, utterly shocked. Sam snatched it from the air and pocketed it. "Time to go he said".

As they took off in the Huntik shuttle, Sophie and Lok kept looking at Sam. He felt un-nerved by their attitude. He pulled a book from his back, and began to read it. The book contained all sorts of information about the legendary Titans. He knew their resting places as they had been found before. "Can we take a trip to kind Solomon's mines?" He asked hopefully. Lok turned around and said "you're gunna have to tell us what's going on here. Are you saying the legendary Titans have returned from Huntik?". "I have a hunch" Sam replied.

As they landed in the desert, Lok and Sophie looked around. They remembered going there before, with Zhalia and Dante and how Zhalia was captured by the professor. Lok and Sophie led the way to the vault. They knew how to open it as they had been before. They repeated how they had done it, and held hands looking at each other. The vault doors swung open and they walked inside. Sam took the amulet of will from his bag and put it around his neck. He reached into the resting place of the legendary Titan of spirt, Tao. He took it out and it glowed. He had bonded with the Titan. He turned to the other two, a grin on his face. "Next stop Araknos' tomb" he said. "So where is that?" Sophie asked. Sam threw a book to her, "page 71, 3rd like" Sam said, "I don't know how to pronounce it however".

Sophie found the page and put the co ordinates into the on board navigation. Lok piloted the the shuttle and landed outside of the tomb. He had heard the stories from Dante about it and knew how to open it. Sam strolled in again and took the amulet from its resting place for a second time. It glowed as he bonded to it. He turned around, looking slightly tired. "Next stop, Behemoth". "Where is this resting place?" Lok asked. "I don't know" Sam replied, "let's ask Dante or Metz?". Lok went away and returned a few minutes later. "Okay, let's go" he said. They soon arrived in a Forest. There was a large tomb in front of them. Sophie opened it cautiously. Sam took the 3rd Titan and bonded with it successfully. He turned around, looking very tired now "let's go" he said. "Where to?" They asked. "The professors castle" was the reply. They soon landed and entered. It was deserted, luckily for them. After bonding with 3 legendary Titans in less than 24 hours, he was very drained. "Let's find the Rital room" Sam said. Sophie and Lok nodded, "this way" they said.

As they entered the room that had been set up for the professor to invoke 'Overlos', after tricking Dante into giving him Behemoth and Tao. "Move the earth, Legendary Titan Behemoth" Sam called, putting on the first ring. "Move the sky, Legendary Titan Tao" he continued putting on the second, "Move the people between, Legendary Titan Araknos". He took the amulet of will and placed it on a pedestal. "Legendary Titans, take your positions" he said. Lok and Sophie stared, and thought back to when the professor had done the same ritual.

Lok suddenly had a bad feeling about it, and remembered to the professor invoking Overlos. He reached in his bag for an amulet to stop the ritual. "I wouldn't do that if I were you" Sam said, with his back still to him. "Bring it on, Baselaird" Lok called, holding up an amulet. "Engage, Brahe" Sam said, "Let's go, Nordrake". He turned around. "Skin grip", glowing threads wrapped around Lok and Sophie's legs and continued up their bodies. "Double spell, Blade wave, null curse" he said holding his hands towards the two other seekers. "Honour guard" Sophie responded. "Take flight, Caviler" Sam said, pulling another amulet from his pocket. Lok and Sophie looked at each other. They knew that even power bonded Baselaird couldn't stand up to 3 of Sam's Titans. Even so, he had bonded and invoked 3 legendary Titans and called 3 more very powerful ones. He had to be running very low on energy by now. "Fight with us, Sabriel" said, holding up her hand. Lok invoked Dendras and Iornsquire, Sophie invoked Sorcerel and Icarus. It was looking like a more even fight now. "6 vs 3" Sam said, disapprovingly "Charge, Breaker". Sophie and Lok broke free of the skin grip, and launched attacks. "Kindlestrike" "bolt flare" they shouted. "Storm Shield" Sam said, as the attacks hit it and rebounded apon their casters.

They started to get up. "Why not just give up? You can't win this time." Sam said. "We'll see" Lok said. "Time to try out a new spell" Sam said, "Shock lash". A burst of powerful orange energy fired at Lok and Sophie. Sorcerel jumped in front of the attack to protect Sophie. Breaker was fighting Baselaird until Brahe landed a punch from behind that returned it to his amulet. Both Lok and Sophie let out a gasp as their energy drained. "Finish them off" Sam said to his Titans. They turned and headed to where Lok and Sophie were lying on the ground. Their Titans tried to stop them but were quickly defeated. "Let's go Kiperin" Lok said, he swooped low and grabbed Sophie. He flew out of an open window to buy himself some time and to think of a plan. "We need the help of Dante" Lok said, "This is out of control". Lok flew, Sophie in his arms, to tell Dante all about the whole event and to warn him about the arrival of Overlos.

"Awaken legendary Titan of Immortality, Overlos" Sam shouted, holding up the amulet of will. A beam of light fell from the sky and connected to the amulet. He had completed the ritual and now it was time to achieve his true goals. Before him stood the very first Titan to be brought to earth by Lord Casterwill. "Break spell" Sam said. He hoped that this would remove the need for a ritual in order to summon Overlos. "Now, I have a few things I need to take care of" Sam said to Overlos. "First of all...."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2017 ⏰

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