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(Sound of car door slamming) Oh crap! I thought as I jumped off the sofa. I had planned on being long gone by the time she got back home.

"She's going to kill me." I groaned, looking around the now tidy living room. Maybe I could sneak out of the back door. Damn! Too bad a key was required to get out of it! That was another one of my bright ideas that backfired.

"Come on, man up! She's just a girl." I tried to encourage myself as I paced back and forth, waiting for her inevitable entry. Who in the hell was I kidding? This was Claire, and I had no idea what type of mood she'd be in. She would definitely not appreciate the intrusion into her personal space.

I'm out! I thought as I rushed into the guest room just as the key turned in the lock. I'll man up tomorrow. For tonight, I'd rather play it on the safe side and hide until she falls asleep.


I was so tired...tired of driving, tired of crying, I was just plain tired of everything. I had finally arrived to my home, and I could barely bring myself to get out of the car. It was like each move I made only exhausted me further. By the time I reached the front door I was almost crawling. When I couldn't bring myself to move another inch I collapsed on the front porch.

I hadn't even realized that I had fallen asleep. It must not have been for too long because when I opened my eyes it was still dark outside. I pulled myself up and then went into the house. When I flicked on the lights I noticed how spotless the living room was. Courtesy of Paul no doubt; I thought to myself.

I flopped down on the sofa, and pulled off my boots. A familiar sense of calm washed over me as I opened the ottoman to retrieve my family photo albums. This was a ritual that I had become quite accustomed to, at least twice a day, over the last few years. Looking through the albums always granted me the ability to smile through my tears.

For one brief moment I had forgotten all of my troubles then it all came rushing back. We were so happy back then. I thought as my eyes started to fill with unshed tears.

Where did it all go wrong? I had just killed my husband. My mother, my best friend in the whole world had died. My beautiful children were taken way too soon. A parent should never have to bury a child. It should be the other way around. It should have been me, I thought. They were just innocent babies. The pain of their absence was slowly ripping me apart. Just knowing that I would never again hear their laughter, hold them, or comfort them killed me just a little more everyday.

"Why didn't you take me instead?!" I yelled. "I'm so sorry my sweets." I whispered as I got up from the sofa. I had to try and dull the pain that I was feeling so I went in search of anything that could possibly help. Settling for an almost full bottle of Hennessey; I pulled out a cup and filled it half way.

 I was going to dilute it with coke, but I decided that I needed it full strength instead. I took a long sip and swallowed hard. It burned a little going down but I knew that would fade quickly. I then took a smaller sip as I returned to the living room.

 You know I really hate it when people say that time heals all wounds. I think that is such bullshit!Thinking back to my last session with my therapist:

"Claire you may not believe it right now, but you will get through this. You're so much stronger than you give yourself credit for. Time heals all wounds but you have to give it a chance."

 Oh how I wished that she was right. Maybe then I would be stronger, and much better equipped to deal with everything, but I wasn't. I was weak and all of the losses were just a little too much to bear. I had nothing and no one. The most important people in the world to me were gone and it was all my fault.

 I couldn't take the emptiness, and pain any longer, so I went in search of the sleeping pills in my medicine cabinet. Turning on my bathroom lights; I immediately began to rummage through the endless scripts in the cabinet.

"Ah ha!" I exclaimed, as my fingers found what they had been searching for. Kissing the dull orange bottle I went into the kitchen.

 After a few minutes of fighting to open it I gave up and decided to cut the bottle open instead. Why? I don't know. Alcohol had the strange ability to make you see logic where there wasn't any. Damn, I guess it wasn't only child proof, but intoxicated adult proof as well.

 No problem cause I had the perfect solution for it. I smiled as I pulled out my electric knife. I then placed the bottle on the counter on its side, and let her rip. Not one of my brightest ideas, but it worked out just fine. I poured a handful of pills and popped them in my mouth, followed by a henney chaser.

 At this point I was really beginning to feel the effects of the alcohol. I had completely drained a second cup. Or was it a third? Who knew; who cared? I sure as hell didn't. I grabbed the henney bottle and the rest of the pills as I staggered out to the back yard.

 I sat down on the edge of the pool and let my feet dangle into the water. It didn't take long for my mind to drift back to that night, like it had so many times before.

 "100 bottles of pop on the ground, 100 bottles of pop. You pick one up and chug it on down, 99 bottles of pop on the ground." We loudly sang, and then disaster struck. I shivered as I shook off the memory.

 I couldn't...I wouldn't let myself go back there again. It was just all too painful. Wiping away at the newly forming tears, I took another sip directly from the bottle this time.

 More pills followed by even more Hennessey. I knew that I should stop, but I just didn't want to. What did I have to live for anyway? After a while I started to see visions of the twins in the water.

 As I reached for them I fell into the pool. I struggled a little at first, and then I stopped all together. What was the point? I thought as my lungs began to fill up with water. I had nothing left, so I gave in to the darkness and let it consume me.


It took everything in my power to not run to her side. My friend was in so much pain right now. Of all the years I had known this woman I had rarely heard her cry, so I knew that she was hurting. I would make it a point to stop by tomorrow for a heart to heart.It had been quiet for a minute, so I decided to make a break for it. I tiptoed out of the room, and made my way toward the front door.

"Crap." I whispered. Something told me that I should go and check on CW, just to make sure that she was alright. I went to her bedroom, expecting to find her passed out, but she wasn't there. I searched the house and she was nowhere to be found.

 I went over to look out of the window, only to find that her car was still in the driveway.

"Where in the hell are you CW?" I wondered loudly. I was beginning to get worried. Finally I went out to the backyard, and I was horrified at the scene in front of me.

 Claire was face down in the pool. Hold on CW, I'm coming! I thought as I made a run for it, and dived into the water. I swam like my life depended on it, because in a sense it did. CW was the closest thing that I had to family. I couldn't lose her.

 When I finally dragged her from the pool, there were no signs of life. I immediately began rescue breathing.

"Come on CW, hang in there." I begged. After a while I had to start CPR.

Just when it looked as if all hope was lost, water started to gush out of her mouth.

"Thank you God!" I cried, rolling her over to her side. I had never been so happy in all of my life. When she was secure I ran into the house to call 911.

 With an ambulance on the way, I decided to call Vaughn to let him know about the current situation.

"You know what Paul I'm beginning to think you have a crush on me. Why in the hell do you keep dialing my number?" I was really getting tired of this dude.

 "I don't have time for this. Look get your ass over to Mercy General, Claire is being rushed to the hospital!" With that I hung up the phone without waiting for a reply. I really didn't care what he had to say anyway. I had done my part. Even if he didn't show up, at least I told him.

It wasn't long before I could hear the sirens in the distance. I opened the front door so that I could direct them to Claire. The EMT'S rushed in and loaded her into the ambulance.

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