♢♡.:|Party| Demoman x Reader|:.

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Requested by infiniti254 :D


The Administrator's voice boomed throughout sawmill, claiming the [Red/Blu] Team the winners. Whoops and cheers of delight erupted from your team, and you raised your weapon into the air. Despite panting and gasping for breath, a massive smile formed onto your face nonetheless.

One particular cry of joy caught your attention, and it just so happened to belong to none other then the scottish cyclops himself. Despite the overwhelming fatigue that overtook you, you managed to stand tall as the demolitions expert approached.

"Aye, tha' was a great battle there lass!" He cheered with his bottle of Scrumpy. "Ye were amazin' out there!" He places a large hand on your head, a drunk smile on his lips.

"Thanks Tavish! You weren't too bad yourself." You teased with a giggle. You could've sworn you saw a tint of pink on his dark cheeks, but then again, that's how he looks like when he gets drunk 24/7.

Yeah, that's it.

With a heavy sigh, and a giggle, you trudged back into the base for another celebration. This was another victory added to the chain of your team's winning spree.

"Oi, Sheila? Wot you doin' out there? C'mon ya slowpoke, let's go celebrate!" Sniper snapped you out of your trance, and with a laugh, you quickly followed him inside, the sharpshooter wrapping his arm around your shoulders. From not too far away, a certain scottish cyclops watched you walk away with the Aussie, or rather Kiwi, the same smile you gave him still plastered on your face, your cheeks flushed red, from fatigue or from the fact that Sniper had his arm around you, the drunk cyclops couldn't tell. He followed you and Sniper inside nonetheless, grabbing some of his beloved Scrumpy, before heading out and drinking his sorrows away.

Soon enough, everyone was inside the base, laughing and enjoying their time with pints of beer in their calloused hands, and you couldn't help but smile. Despite this happening at a daily basis, all their drunken grins and hearty laughs placed an even larger smile on your face, though you couldn't help but feel that something was off. Scanning the joyful faces around you, you counted seven laughing faces, and still felt the arm around your shoulders; eight mercenaries total.

Where was Demo?

"You didn't happen to see Demo, did you Sniper?" You faced him as his arm fell from your shoulders.

"Nah. Not a clue as to where 'e is. But you betta go foind 'im. At this point ya neva' know where he'll be at." He stared into your eyes, giving you a look that basically screamed 'Find my friend and bring him back.' You gave a stern nod and bolted out of the base, looking for the cyclops that you adored.

Near a cliff that overlooked a sea of oranges and pinks which reflected the gorgeous sunset sat the scottish cyclops, leaning against a massive rock and drunk off his mind, with empty bottles of Scrumpy surrounding him.

"You know a sunset is better when there's another person watching it with you." a voice said behind him. With a jolt, he was up on his feet, wobbling and swaying with an empty bottle of his precious alcohol in his hands, ready to smash said bottle on the intruder's head.

"Woah, hey, Demo... It's just me." You said, holding your hands up. If his face could get any redder it surely did, and he quickly dropped he bottle without hesitation. His amber orbs gazed into your [E/C] ones, and he almost forgot what to say until you gave him a worried glance.

"Tavish? Are you alright?" You slowly reached out to him. He responded in a flurry of stutters and stammers, the occasional 'I'm sorry' slipping from his lips.

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