Chapter Fourteen

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"The sunhigh patrol will be Fernfeather, Mudpelt, Echofoot and Dustclaw." Shadeflower meowed. It had been a moon since the battle. The last gathering was rigid and tense. The five cats nodded and they went out. Oakbriar's kits were apprentices now, Cinderpaw, Smokepaw, and Briarpaw. Rowanpetal was Briarpaw's mentor, Darkpelt was Cinderpaw's mentor, and Pinetail was Smokepaw's mentor. Oakbriar was back in the warriors den. Now the nursery was empty. Stormheart was as well. Stormfall kept his nest nest to Shadeflower's and Oakbriar didn't mind. In fact she often teased her about being mates with him.

"Are there any hunting patrols I can join?" Ravenfeather asked. Shadeflower thought for a second.

"No, I don't think I sent out any new ones. But if you want to go hunting, go ahead." She meowed. "You can take anyone with you." He nodded and padded off. The freshkill pile was okay, but could be better.

"Could you snore any louder?" Flamestorm grumbled as Shadeflower  approached them. Toadpelt awoke and narrowed his eyes.

"As if you never snore." he scoffed.

"Not as loud as you. I awoke and thought I fell asleep next to the Thunderpath." Flamestorm shook his fur out and stretched. Shadeflower  stifled a laugh.

"Really? You two are going at it again?" Pineheart rolled her eyes dramatically. "No one ever gets any sleep around here with your arguing." Shadeflower chuckled as she sat down in some pine needles that were crushed into the dirt.

"Oh hey, Shadeflower !" Flamestorm meowed. "How are you healing up?"

"Oh I'm fine." Shadeflower meowed. "I didn't get that injured unlike Adderstrike." She shrugged.

"How do you like being deputy?" Mistyflame emerged.

"I like it, and at first I thought I'd be bad at it, but I think I'm doing okay." Shadeflower meowed. " I just want to make Badgerclaw proud. "

"You're doing very well." Pineheart purred.

"Thank you." Shadeflower dipped her head. She shifted on her paws.

"Shadeflower!" Stonestar called out. "May I speak with you and Aspenberry?" She got up on her paws.

"I'm on my way." Shadeflower called out as she ran over to them, and she went into Stonestar's den.

"Is something wrong, Stonestar?" Shadeflower asked.

"There is another thing you should know as my deputy. I only have two lives left. I know I might not have that long left here, however, you need to know this." Stonestar was solemn has he spoke. "But I have faith in you. I know you will lead my Clan with pride and honor when I am gone." Shadeflower licked her chest fur in embarrassment.

"Thank you, Stonestar,"

"I always told you you were destined for greatness." Aspenberry purred warmly. "You are special." Shadeflower nodded, as much as she wished she wasn't special. She wanted to be like everyone else, even still.

"During the battle, I took a life from Flowerstar. I didn't mean to, but I did in the heat of battle." Shadeflower said sadly, knowing that counted as murder. And not to mention, Dappleflight had died later from infection from her wounds.

"It is nothing to be too worried about. Sometimes cats die in battle." Stonestar told her. "You are an honorable cat. No matter what has happened in the past." She nodded, trying her best to believe him.

"And I have great news!" Aspenberry meowed proudly and happily. "I'm going to  give Shimmerpaw her full medicine cat name! She has become a fantastic healer and she stopped infection from taking Adderstrike like it took that ThunderClan warrior." Shadeflower's gaze lit up. Shimmerpaw is going to be a full medicine cat! That was amazing news.

(Warriors) 🌹Flower In The Shadows🌹 Volume I: ✳Dark Seeds✳Where stories live. Discover now