Chapter Two

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Ravensong shifted her paws on the hard earth she was sitting on, trying to rid her limbs of their stiffness. According to the warrior code, the new warriors must keep a silent vigil the night after their ceremony, keeping watch over the Clan all night. They couldn't fall asleep or speak to one another as they patrolled the camp, making sure all was safe. Now dawn's light was filtering into the camp, slowly illuminating their surroundings.

Ravensong stretched next to the newly named Strikeheart, who was pacing agitatedly in circles. Just watching him made her even more tired. She was about to ask him to sit down when she saw three cats making their way toward them. It was Tigerfrost, Mossclaw, Ravensong and Strikeheart's father, and Dawnblaze, Strikeheart's old mentor. They padded up to the new warriors.

"You can speak now, if you want," Dawnblaze told them, amusement glimmering in her eyes.

Honeyleaf leaped up from her crouched position on the ground, sighing with relief. "Thank StarClan!" she exclaimed. "I never thought the dawn would come."

Slatestripe nudged his sister playfully. "Stupid furball," he teased.

Honeyleaf stalked over to Ravensong, her nose in the air. "Well, it seemed like it," she responded haughtily.

Mossclaw rolled his eyes. "Do any of you youngsters have enough energy to come with us on the dawn patrol?" he asked, obviously wanting to distract the two littermates.

Strikeheart padded forward. "I will," he offered.

"So will I." Slatestripe pawed the ground in anticipation.

Ravensong hesitated. This was her chance to go on her first mission as a warrior, but on the other paw she was just so exhausted. "I don't think I will, thanks," she declined. Honeyleaf nodded in agreement with her friend.

Tigerfrost dipped his head. "I understand. However, once you've rested, I want you both to go hunting. The Clan needs as much fresh-kill as it can get with leaf-bare on the way."

The two she-cats mewed their acknowledgment to the dark-furred deputy and padded off to the warriors den.


It was sunhigh, and warm light was streaming into the gorge. Ravensong emerged from the warriors den, greeting her brother and Slatestripe as they passed by her, looking exhausted. "Anything interesting out there?" she called to him. All he could manage was a shake of his head. Then he plopped into one of the nests in the den, falling asleep almost immediately.

Ravensong and Honeyleaf walked out into the main area of camp. Remembering their conversation with Tigerfrost earlier, they bounded up the steep path out of camp and into the forest. There they split up, thinking they would find more prey if they were alone.

Ravensong crept through the undergrowth, opening her mouth to scent for any prey in the area. She was immediately hit with the smell of fox, much stronger than the day before. Ravensong froze, knowing that the fox might be very close by. Foxes were some of the Clan's worst enemies. They could kill a cat with one snap of their vicious jaws, and they had been known to steal kits for food when prey was scarce. Ravensong shuddered; just thinking of what these creatures could do was terrifying enough. However, curiosity drove her paws forward, creeping steadily toward the place where the fox must be. She had never seen a fox before, and had only heard tales from the Clan elders when she was a kit.

A dark hole yawned in a large rock face. This must be where it is, Ravensong thought. Suddenly, she cocked her head, listening. A sound was coming from inside the den. It sounded like... mewling?  She shifted her balance from paw to paw, trying to decide if she should dare to enter the darkness. I need to know what that is. Then I can see if there really is a danger to my Clan, she reasoned with herself. Taking a deep breath, she walked forward into the blackness of the den.  

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