Chapter One

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"What? Did I just hear you right? You want me to ask out a stranger?"

"Yes, yes I do. Look you're making this a lot more complicated than it really is. Just pick someone and ask them out. They don't even have to say yes to you!"

"It. Is. Complicated! You know how big of a step that is for me! People hang out with each other before going out on a date together. What if the boy I ask out says yes and ends up being a axe wielding maniac and kills me? Are you gonna feel good about this dare then? Huh?"

"Gia! Calm down! I'm telling you to ask them a question not make out with them! Besides, you can't back out now, not when you already thumb swore. Please, do this for not only me, but yourself. You know you need to present yourself to new people more." She had a pleading look on her face as  she talked.

"Ugh! You know what? Fine! I'll do it, who should I ask out? There are tons of guys here right now."

She stopped and looked around, "Over there," She pointed to two guys standing a few shops ahead, talking. "Ask the one with the black hair out. He seems really, what should I say, intriguing."

I did have to agree that he was very attractive, and intriguing. He had sheer black hair that was kept messy yet well put together. I couldn't really tell the color of his eyes but they were definitely dark.

"Wow um, ok. I'll just walk up to him, strike up a conversation, and then ask him out. Flawless plan if I do say so myself. Except for one thing, my boy-awkward self will clam up once I get to him."

"It's ok, Gia. Just take a few breathers then just go talk to him. Plain and simple." She gave me a reassuring smile and a thumbs up.

I looked to the ground and took a few breaths.

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

Come on self. You can do this! You're Gia Fudging Jennings! If you can have enough patience and determination to wait for a plant to grow you can have enough patience and determination to a talk to a boy.

I brought my head back up and gave Ally a determined smile, "Ok, ok. You're right, I can totally do this if I just put my mind to it. Here I go."

She gave a light-hearted little clap and smile.

I made my way down the mall towards the two boys. I stood still once I was a few feet away from them and just looked at them. They hadn't noticed me yet because they looked as if they were having a thorough conversation.

The black haired boy had a dirty blonde haired boy beside him. The dirty blonde haired boy looked to be doing most of the talking while the black haired boy had a look on his face as if he was prepared to argue.

I waited a while until they stopped talking and then I finally saw them face-to-face.

Turns out the black haired boy actually had beautiful blue eyes.


I walked up to the black haired boy and gave him a friendly smile," Hi there."

He turned his head towards me and rose one of his dark eyebrows, "Um, hello. Who are you?"

I blushed out of embarrassment from randomly talking to him, "Gia Jennings. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, I guess. Why exactly am I meeting you?"

The dirty blonde haired boy smacked him on his upper bicep, which was nicely toned if I do say so myself.

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